What Does Writing Mean To Me, A 20-Year-Old?

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2024

As it’s something different for us all

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

When I began Medium way back in February I had a different idea, I won’t lie, I was solely here for the money.

I saw my boyfriend on here earning so much and I thought

I'll have some of that

I tried to give out writing tips and didn’t have any knowledge of this, I just read my boyfriends, and other people’s work and adapted it a little.

It felt like It was a chore to do each day with the only positivity of the money coming in at the middle of the month.

But along my journey of writing, I started to learn a few things about writing:

  • It’s not like school – I immediately thought it would be like being sent back to Writing classes, boring and long-winded
  • You can write about anything, and there will always be an audience for it.

These two things I didn’t know, I thought as time went on it would only get more tiring and use a large amount of my time a day.

I also thought the most popular topics to write about (which I thought was “gaining Medium success”) would get me the most earnings.

I was wrong, the ones I do best at, are completely random topics, such as how people behave with each other, gaming, and society.

These things I know in more depth and can enjoy writing about, instead of following the rule I set of only writing about Medium.

Thoughts after 3 months?

So it’s been around 3 months since I began, I see writing in a different light when I write about what I want to write about, I’m surprised about this but I enjoy it.

As someone with dyslexia who hasn’t ever read a full book, writing isn’t as bad as I thought.

It provides tranquility and helps the mind stay active in a calming way. I gain order in my day by consistently posting and the earnings are a bonus.

For a lot of people who are my age (I’m 20 if you didn’t know) writing does have a bad reputation but I think it’s important that that mindset changed for the better.

Writing can be something everyone includes in their life as you can write about anything, in any way that fits you best.

It’s all about finding your path to go down.

Thank you for reading! Please clap to show your support :)

Photo by Gérôme Bruneau on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)