What Happens When You Don’t Show Off?

You become authentic

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Word Garden
3 min read3 days ago


Photo by Jennifer Griffin on Unsplash

The trait of showing off our achievements, possessions, and luxuries has been engraved in our persona since childhood. It becomes a problem when crayons turn into cars and pencils turn into properties when we grow up. In adulthood, no matter how hard we try, we’ll always feel that we lack something in our lives; and that void cannot be filled by worldly stuff.

It’s more about dealing with the purpose void and identity crises, it’s not that we lack something but something we don’t realize yet. Bragging in adulthood will only bring unwanted and worthless troubles in your life; it will make you ignorant about your own life.

№1 You’ll get bound by your social image; if you project a persona of yours into others ’ eyes, you’ll always live in the fear of social rejection and will always keep seeking validation.

№2 You’ll become way more predictable than before; our reckless traits are something that is hidden in our own eyes, but others can observe those very well; they can predict almost every upcoming response and decision from you.

3. You’ll be enslaved by others and use you accordingly; the one who always keeps extracting desirable responses and validation from others will not get it for free, people will impose certain terms and conditions before giving you the acceptance you are seeking.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Now if you can truly be yourself and disregard that urge to want acceptance and validation from others; you’ll get to know the brighter side of life and the authentic self of yours.

№1 You’ll get more freedom; you aren’t obliged to be in a certain character and to act in a certain way.

№2 People can’t predict you, so they can’t mold your decisions according to their greed.

№3 You’ll be hard to enslave; as you learn to live by your terms, no one can impose obligations on you.

№4 You’ll get to know the real faces of your friends; when you don’t let others dictate whom to befriend, you can learn to relate with other people authentically.

Showing off is something that should be restricted to our childhood only, it’s pretty much acceptable if kids are flaunting their belongings, but this is that one trait that is a huge turn-off for most adults. No one likes to be with the one who always keeps bragging about things.

Remember what Bruce Lee said about the same!

“Showing off is a fool’s idea of glory. -Bruce Lee

Thanks for reading!

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Word Garden

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