What School Actually Taught me – 3 Lessons

Georgia Smart
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2024

We all learned lessons from school but they weren’t the ones in the textbook

Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

I finished school only 2 years ago, and looking back, what they taught me, taught me nothing. The things I learned were completely different and actually helped me with everyday life.

The things they taught me like algebra have so far helped me in 0 ways, and how many watermelons can Sarah fit in her car boot? No that hasn’t helped me either.

The real lessons I’m talking about are the ones that we as people develop such as,


I got bullied quite badly in school, but this taught me to never give up, I used to skip school but after a while, I became resilient to different people in life. Now in any situation, I have learnt to brush things off and not dwell on the past.

I try never to let people get me down as when I was younger one single comment could make me upset but now I can deal with more in life and comments do not hurt me anymore, as I have had to become resilient to it.


Growing up I was always really shy, I wouldn’t ever speak out in any situations and never spoke to strangers, as most children do. But going to school gave me a voice and gave me the chance to develop as a person and grow in confidence.

Not only did I speak out more and learn to talk to others, but I became more confident in myself as a person and I learned that I am in control of my life and that being confident can achieve me so much. From getting a job, to just asking for help requires confidence so it’s one of the most important skills.


I would say all children lie at some point if we are scared of what happens when we tell the truth, but school taught me to always be honest.

There were many situations regarding me and other girls, who targeted me. I would deny anything ever happening as I didn’t want to cause more trouble, so I used to accept what was happening to me. But when it got unbearable I said enough is enough and I finally spoke out.

When I told the truth, people around me supported me more and were there for me, they understood what I was going through and could relate which really helped me.

Honesty really is the best policy

Not only for this but in life, if you commit a crime or just don’t tell the truth, it’s always good to be honest as you need people to trust in life, and being honest is a good quality to have.

These are the 3 life lessons that school taught me, there are so many more. What did school teach you? Thank you for reading :)

Photo by Randall Ruiz on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Word Garden

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)