What Text Would You Send Right Now

If There Weren’t Any Consequences?

tobi — Audio Writer
Word Garden


Photo by skynesher on iStockphoto

I listened to Simon Sinek share with Trevor Noah about the intimate relationships he has with his friendship.

Especially after one of his male friends said “I love you”. He felt so safe, so hugged, and felt like he could share anything and everything with this person without feeling judged or looked down on. So, he’d start experimenting in his relationships with other friends.

He visited a friend, and as he headed out, he said, “I love you.” This friend literally was in shock and didn’t know how to recover from that. But he realized after a while that his friend started saying, “I love you,” after every call or conversation. They’d even go on to hug and exchange kisses on their cheeks.

That got me thinking about whether I would like to experiment with that in my friendships, especially my male friendships, because, for some weird reason, males don’t have the word “I love you” in their dictionary. And it’s part of the lies we tell ourselves as we transition from teens into adult men.

That being said, if I wanted to send a text right now if there were no consequences, I would send this to my parents;

“I’m angry at you for what your parents did to you but I love you. “



tobi — Audio Writer
Word Garden

Award winning bathroom singer🥇| write what you love—until you love to write 🫵🏽 | https://tobitotheworld.medium.com/subscribe | Editor: Short.Sweet.Valuable💚