What’s Most Important If You Want to Reach Your Goals

No, it’s not an attitude of “Just Do It!”

Bettina Ramm
Word Garden
3 min readJan 29, 2024


Photo: bernie_photo via CANVA

It’s a well-kept secret that no one told us. Actually, almost nobody knows about it in our society.

It’s one of the things that are so obvious that we overlook it.

The most important thing if you want to achieve something is your well-being.

If you care for a good feeling — your inner peace — everything around you will fall into place.

But as I said — that knowledge is a little bit offbeat, so I declare it from two different points of view — the spiritual, and the logical one.

The spiritual side of this game

The world is a divine dream. Everything that surrounds you, and especially everything that happens to you, is created by yourself. Most of the time unconsciously.

Everything is created from the inside — out. From the formless to the form. From the unknown to the known.


So from the formless there are coming thoughts to you (thoughts are not formless, they’ve already taken form). Some of them look good (they feel warm, or sweet, or lovely), and some don’t (they feel stressful, or dangerous, or just dark).

You choose which of them you want to listen to.

And to which you listen will form your life.

In other words — you pull into your life what you believe. The life you see is your own creation.

Don’t use this to dismiss yourself or to feel guilty (remember, you want to feel better). Just notice if you can feel the truth in it, and then lay your focus to your well-being. In every moment, as often as you can.

Is this illogical?

Now let’s look at it from the logical side.

Everything is energy. Also, matter is nothing more than energy which moves very fast.

As Nicola Tesla said: If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

If that doesn’t convince you, consider the following:

When do you perform the best — if you feel low, or if you feel at peace with yourself?

The more peaceful a person feels, the clearer their thoughts, the better their decisions, and the healthier their relationships.

All of these are ingredients for exceptional success.

Why “just do it” isn’t enough (and not necessary)

When we live from a place of “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” — we tend to overlook an important fact: Life is not what it seems.

We don’t know everything (even if we think we do 😂), and life is constantly changing.

We can not know what will happen next week, tomorrow, or even the next seconds.

The more open we are to the possibilities of support that life can give us, the more this support can actually come to us. Because we “go out of the way”.

In the next few days I’ll share a story of my own life (and wonder) to underpin that. But I’m sure you’ve already noticed these lucky coincidences in your own life, too.

For me, “just do it” often felt exhausting — and that’s the opposite of well-being.

That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to do anything anymore … But if you listen for this little voice of inspiration (instead of pushing yourself) you’ll not only have what I call a tailwind from the universe but you’ll also have much more fun going towards what you really want.

What can you do or not do to make yourself feel better right now?

With love,



Bettina Ramm
Word Garden

Create the life (and business) of your dreams. I write about inner guidance and how to use it to find your unique way to lazy "feelgood" success.