Why I Shut Down My Print On Demand Store After 14 Days

Don’t start now

Claudia Faith
Word Garden


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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Are you interested in making money online?

Trying out passive incomes?

Side hustles?

If the answer to one of the questions raised is yes, let me share my experience with one side hustle with you.

I love trying out new side hustle ideas and one of them was after reading an article on Medium about creating designs with Creative Fabrica and printing them on literally everything you can find to sell on Zazzle.

To be fair, I have never had experience with print-on-demand, design, or anything like that.

But isn’t that idea when you are new to passive income that you try and see what sticks?

I was all in and excited to start. I did everything according to the book:

  • Research what is in demand, but with not too much competition
  • Create designs that are a bit more unusual to stand out
  • Set up everything around the store, including banner, profile, etc.
  • Set up a lot of different products and designs (around 50) and organized them in categories
  • Advertised the products



Claudia Faith
Word Garden

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