30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge

Why It’s Amazing to Be a Content Creator

“The reason why we’re here…”

Anton the Writer
Word Garden


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Hi there!

It’s day 14 of my challenge, and I’m grateful you’re here.

Today’s story is a bit rushed, but I’ll make up for it in the following days. Promise.

What Is Content?

I’m new to this thing but I’ve learned: content can be anything. A 10-second video, a blog post, a podcast, a live stream, a social media post, an email newsletter.

It’s food I made for you to consume.

Now, if I’m a good cook, I know your tastes and preferences. I also know how to operate a stove and I have a bunch of recipes in my reservoir that will work, no matter what. However, my mind is open to experimenting with new flavors and ways of preparation.

Most importantly: I enjoy the process. This goes for cooking and content creation.

I used to believe that content is similar to a poem, a vase, or a news article. A highly optimized piece of work that only specialists with lots of training could produce. A flawless piece of work.

Turns out content does not need to be perfect. We relate to it when it’s alive. But that’s for another article.

Why Is It Amazing to Be a Content Creator?

Here are my reasons.

  • You are your own boss.

Everyone gets this one. You decide what you create, and what channels you use to share it. No one tells you to get up at 7 in the morning and commute to an office and all that jazz.

It’s a gift and a curse.

  • It’s easy to get started.

Sure, some platforms require some finesse. To upload to and stream on YouTube or Twitch you are required to learn how to edit videos and buy some hardware. If you run a WordPress blog, you have to invest time in setting up your domains and themes and learning SEO.

But it’s easy to get started if you want it. I mean, Medium vs WordPress — if you ever worked with actual CMS, you appreciate how easy we have it here.

  • You do what you love.

You decided to do this here, right? No one’s forcing you to show up and write. I chose it, and so far it’s been a blast.

  • Your content matters to someone.

Not gonna lie: The first time I ever hit “publish” and saw my writing on the internet was scary. People saw me! Someone could criticize me, right?

But someone could tell me they loved what they read. Wow! I was helpful to someone or entertaining or funny. Love it!

  • You are part of a community.

I follow lots of content creators on YouTube, mostly gamers. There is always a community and they are pretty supportive and fun. I’m new to Medium but the same applies to this platform. We are not solitaire players!

  • You are challenging yourself.

I gotta say, my 30-day challenge gets easier every day. It can be tough at times. Once you build your following, they expect to be fed content on a regular schedule. Some days you are busy. Other days you don’t feel it.

Working through it and showing up is rewarding. Coming up with new ways, new styles, new approaches. Who has that in a 9 to 5 job?

Final Thoughts

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Why do you love being a content creator? Do you agree with my reasons?

Let me know in the comments and leave me a few claps if my piece resonated with you.

See you tomorrow!

Part of my Medium challenge — 30 Posts in 30 Days

Day 14/30



Anton the Writer
Word Garden

Senior Copywriter, film lover, plant dad and baker. Here to share thoughts & opinions on current movies and other non-fictional writing of mine. Welcome!