Why Outreach is Your Secret Weapon to Scaling Your Business

Joe Testouri
Word Garden
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Outreach doesn’t work anymore.

I hear this lament from agency owners and new freelancers all the time. After a few failed attempts, they’re ready to throw in the towel. But guess what? That’s the biggest thing holding them back!

Even million-dollar agencies still do outreach. They’ve cracked the code on how to do it right, and so can you.

When I finally figured out how to do outreach the right way, I scaled my agency (Bespoke Brand Developers) to six figures.

Check out my free, Step-by-Step Cold Email Course here to learn how to send cold emails that’ll get you clients in less than 12 hours.

Many think doing outreach is a waste of time.

But the real issue is not doing it the right way, which stops you from getting replies.

So, what’s the right way to do outreach?

It’s all about your messaging and tracking what works. Here’s how to nail it:

Track Your Results.

→ How many messages did you send?

→ How many replies did you get?

→ Which message got the most replies?

Think of it like fishing: you need to figure out which bait works best. Then use that bait more often to replicate the success.

Picture this: You’re on a fishing trip. You’ve got your rod, your reel, and a tackle box full of bait. You cast your line with one type of bait and wait.


You switch to another bait, cast again, and get a bite. That’s the one! You use that bait for the rest of the trip and come home with a cooler full of fish.

Outreach works the same way.

Step 1: Cast a Wide Net

When you start your outreach, don’t be afraid to cast a wide net. Send out messages to a broad audience. Track how many messages you’re sending out daily. It’s a numbers game. The more you send, the higher your chances of getting a reply. But remember, quantity without quality won’t get you far.

Step 2: Tweak Your Bait

Look at the replies you’re getting. Are they positive, negative, or non-existent? Which messages are getting the most traction? This is where the magic happens.

Tweak your messaging based on what’s working. If one message template gets more replies, dissect it. What made it stand out? Was it the subject line, the introduction, or the value proposition? Adjust your future messages to reflect these elements.

Step 3: Keep Casting and Tracking

Keep track of your numbers. It’s not just about sending messages but about learning from them. Create a simple spreadsheet.

→ Column one: Date.

→ Column two: Number of messages sent.

→ Column three: Replies received.

→ Column four: Positive responses.

Analyze this data weekly.

This analytical approach helps you spot patterns. Maybe messages sent on Tuesdays get more replies.

Perhaps a particular subject line works better than others. Use this data to refine your strategy.

Step 4: Learn and Adapt

Outreach is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. It’s a dynamic process. The digital world changes fast, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Stay ahead by continuously learning and adapting.

Subscribe to industry blogs, join forums, and network with other agency owners. Share your findings and learn from theirs.

Remember, even seasoned fishermen sometimes come home empty-handed. But they don’t give up. They learn from each trip, tweak their approach, and go out again.

Tame the Outreach Monster

Outreach doesn’t have to be the monster under your bed. Tame it, and watch your business grow. Don’t let a few rejections scare you off. Each “no” brings you closer to a “yes.”

Outreach is a powerful tool. When done right, it can scale your agency to new heights. It’s not just about sending messages; it’s about sending the right messages and learning from the responses. By tracking your results and tweaking your approach, you’ll turn outreach from a daunting task into a powerful weapon in your business arsenal.

So, next time you’re feeling down about your outreach efforts, remember the fishing analogy. Keep casting, keep tweaking, and keep tracking. Your next big client could be just one message away.

Don’t know how to send outreach messages that’ll get you positive results? Check out my free, Step-by-Step Cold Email Course here to see how I do it.

My name is Joe. I run a $20K+/Mo marketing agency while traveling around the world. I write to share the knowledge I wish I had access to when I started my agency in 2019. Follow me and stay tuned for more business/agency scaling knowledge.



Joe Testouri
Word Garden

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.