Why You Can Ignore The “Look-At-How-Great-I’m-Doing-On-Medium” Posts…

…and why you should read them.

Gary David Flamberg
Word Garden


Image created by author in Bing AI

I love celebrating others’ success (well, most of the time 😊).

So why do I say it’s OK to ignore the “Look-At-How-Great-I’m-Doing” posts?

Four reasons to ignore them

  1. You’re tempted to believe making money on Medium is easy. IT’S NOT! 94% of us quit before we make it to $100 in a month. Of the 6% who persist, only a teeny fraction comprises the writers who share their “brag” stories. Thus, the “brag” stories are coming from maybe ½ of 1% of the entire Medium-verse. For the rest of us, it’s a hard slog replete with a lot of trial and error — and that dirty “p” word (persistence).
  2. You’re tempted to reduce success on Medium into a “formula.” You can come away from these stories with the impression that if you just do what they did, you’ll garner their results. This leads to the next reason, which is…
  3. You’re tempted to imitate them. “Do what I’m doing” can easily turn into “copycat me.” Do that long enough, and your authenticity (not to mention your credibility) will sink like the Titanic.
  4. You give into the “something’s-wrong-with-me” mindset. After you’ve checked all the boxes, and the stats (not to mention the…



Gary David Flamberg
Word Garden

Bringing out the authentic writer in you (with a side helping of culture, faith, and plain ole' life wisdom!)