Word Garden — Submission Guidelines

Carl Jeffers
Word Garden
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2024


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Hello Word Garden writers! I have decided to create an official submission guideline for this publication. The aim is not to annoy you or make seemingly small things into big things, it’s to help you get your article published as quickly as possible.

Currently, there are around 50% of articles that I can publish straight away after looking over them. The other 50% require me to send them back to the author for various reasons. This takes up both your time and my time. You want your article published, I want to publish your article but I can’t if, for example, you haven’t given your image a reference.

This isn’t me being an ass, it’s Medium’s rules. So to help everyone I will create this article! And not to be an ‘ass’ but any article that is submitted after this post goes up that doesn’t follow the guidelines will not be accepted, I will have to reject it. I don’t want to but I just don’t have the time to edit 30 errors in back-to-back articles.



Carl Jeffers
Word Garden

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