Write Wild, Live Fully: The Eclectic Symphony

Unleashing Creativity, Igniting Passion

Amy Barlowe
Word Garden
5 min readJun 27, 2024


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The alarm blared at 5:30, jolting me awake. My day began with a frantic search for a missing gym shoe — a common occurrence. Then, the courtroom buzzed with legal battles, followed by an adrenaline-fueled climb, and finally, the joyful chaos of family dinner.

My life is a whirlwind, a tapestry woven with threads of family, work, and my personal passions. It’s not always easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Each responsibility, passion, and dream contributes to the beautiful, complex melody that is my life. This is the essence of living an eclectic life: embracing the seemingly chaotic harmony of a life fully lived.

Bill’s Garage, My Symphony

Bill, my husband, embodies the spirit of “thinking outside the box.” An industrial engineer by trade, he’s a master at solving problems and making things better, always looking for the most efficient way to do things. But his true passion lies in restoring classic cars. He tackles each restoration with the same meticulous precision he brings to his work, analyzing every part, finding ingenious solutions to even the most daunting challenges. It’s like watching a symphony unfold in his garage — each step a calculated note in the grand composition of the car’s revival.

This meticulous approach has even seeped into our family life, inspiring us to find creative and unconventional solutions to our own challenges. It’s a constant reminder that sometimes, a little hard work and perseverance can go a long way in achieving the most beautiful results. Just like a symphony, each of us brings our unique talents and passions to the family mix, and it’s in the blend of these elements that our own unique melody emerges.

Photo by Tyson on Unsplash

Kids, My Encore

My children are the lifeblood of our family, each one a unique melody in our ever-evolving symphony. Cassie, our 14-year-old, is a powerhouse both in gymnastics and in her sharp mind. She’s always seeking new challenges, pushing herself both physically and intellectually. Darla, our 10-year-old, is a kind-hearted dreamer with a bright future as a nurse. She radiates sunshine, always bringing joy and compassion to everything she does.

And then there’s George, our 7-year-old, who’s obsessed with trains and already showing promise as a football player. He’s a ball of energy, always on the move, always ready to take on any challenge. Together they create a vibrant tapestry of personalities, their individual rhythms weaving together into a captivating symphony. Their diverse interests have pushed me to be more creative in planning activities, meals, and even family game nights. It’s a constant reminder that flexibility is key in family life, and that there’s always room for improvisation. Life is a performance, after all, and every moment is an opportunity to create something beautiful.

Time Management Tactics

Life as a mom, lawyer, climber, and wife? It’s a whirlwind, a constant juggling act. Imagine, if you will, flaming chainsaws! The key is to keep those chainsaws far apart, right?

My secret weapon? Time management, honed to a fine art with my own unique system of hacks and strategies. Every morning, I rise at 5:30, swiftly crafting a prioritized list for the day, and then dedicating 30 minutes to my rock climbing app. I swear by the Pomodoro Technique — 25 minutes of laser-focused work followed by a quick 5-minute break, then repeat, repeat, repeat! This keeps me on track, preventing me from getting stuck in a single task. To ensure my focus, I switch my phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode for most of the day, relying on my Apple Watch for essential notifications. Delegation is key too. My kids have their own chores, and Bill is our resident meal prepper. We even rely on a shared family calendar, keeping everyone organized. It truly is a constant dance, but I’ve discovered that by being strategic with my time and utilizing the right tools, I can carve out space for my passions without compromising on family time.

Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

The Power of Eclecticism

I wanted to create a life filled with different experiences. It wasn’t just for me; I wanted my children to have the freedom to explore their own interests and develop their unique talents. Watching them grow has been a truly amazing experience. My daughter Cassie is a budding writer, crafting stories filled with both humor and emotion. Darla, our green-thumbed daughter, has transformed our backyard into a vibrant garden, nurturing life as lovingly as she cares for her dolls. My son George, a future entrepreneur, has begun coding his own games, turning his love for trains into a world of possibilities.

It’s inspiring to see them embrace their individuality, their differences, and the joy of pursuing their passions. It’s about creating a life full of experiences, vibrant colors, and the melodies of our own creation. Let’s embrace this diverse symphony, letting it resonate within us and inspire us to live a life that is truly our own.

The Eclectic Symphony: Finale

My life is a vibrant, eclectic mix. It’s a blend of law, rock climbing, family, and car restoration — a journey that truly fulfills me.

Embrace your unique passions, let them shine brightly. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where family, work, and your dreams beautifully coexist. Share your own eclectic symphony in the comments below — I’d love to hear it! Follow my Medium page for more stories about passionate, purposeful living. Let’s keep this symphony going!



Amy Barlowe
Word Garden

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!