You need to stop accepting things as they are!
I am not talking about just situations or some physical things but also about you!
I know this is not something someone wants to hear, but the sad reality is that if you don’t listen, then the possibility of your improvement reduces drastically.
Nowadays a new trend is getting some heat on social media stating that you need to start accepting things as they are. If you are fat stop feeling guilty about it, accept it, and move on, if you are lacking something stop feeling guilty about it, accept it, and move on, etc., are some examples of what is exactly going around us these days.
I might sound rude to you and you probably don’t like it, so here is the disclaimer if you think you can handle this only then read ahead otherwise you can read something else.
You need to stop accepting things as they are and you need to feel guilty about it & kick-starting yourself.
Yes, you heard that right. Before you jump directly to the comment section to write against my motion of thoughts, I think I deserve to explain myself first so please hear me out till the end and if you still think I am wrong, please feel free to write about it.
I am writing this because I know how it feels to be on the other side.
See, when people say that you need to stop feeling guilty and start accepting who you really are, I think it creates an impression in our mind that we are probably not built to rectify that problem by ourselves.
Let's say you are fat. Now, new-age people will say that you shouldn’t feel small about it, you should be happy about it, accept it, and feel confident about who really are. Now here the problem is that you have convinced yourself that you can’t lose some pounds by yourself, and you have accepted it as your fate.
This type of thought changes the way we look at the world. Rather than making things right in our surroundings, we have started to accept it as our fate or society’s fate, which is very wrong because in this way we will stop improving the things around us. We will stop improving ourselves in this process by just accepting things as a part of our fate.
See, if you are fat, you can lose some pounds and become slim, all it takes is some dedication to going to the gym and a controlled way of living. I know some people have some diseases which cause them to gain weight. Well in that case I am saying that you probably can’t lose weight but what you can do is rather than just accepting it as your fate, try to keep your body healthy by doing some exercise.
Last 6 months of my life I have been on a rollercoaster ride of various emotions. I have accepted things as my fate and sometimes have revolted against my fate. I can understand it is not at all easy but hey what’s not difficult? If things had been easy then probably everyone would be doing it.
I think it’s not just about accepting things it’s about not working hard enough to get things done and simply labeling things stating that it’s your fate you need to accept it.
That is a very bad way to look at things in your life. Accepting things as your fate is the easiest thing to do in life, but is it worth it?
Don’t tell me the answer to it because I know your answer.
I also think that accepting things as your fate doesn’t leave the room for the improvement. You can either accept the fact or face it and improve it because those are the only 2 options you can avail and it’s your choice, either to go for an easy on or the harder one!
I have been at your place and one thing that the past 6 months of my life have taught me is:
Don’t accept it. Work on it and achieve the result you want.
I know some people who are really in trouble because they have something in their life because of which they can’t get out of the situation. For them it’s okay to accept it and to be very frank for those of you who are in real trouble, you have a very hard time accepting it.
Sometimes accepting fate is as difficult as working hard, sometimes even harder than that. And if you are someone who finds accepting things as your fate is easy, let me tell you, you can do wonders once you leave your comfort zone.
I hope I was able to justify the point that I made in the title. But if you still think that I have written something that is not true in all sense then please enlighten me, I would be more than happy to hear your point of view. So, with that said: