Your Ordinary Experiences Can Make Great Content

Kavita H.
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Ordinary stories make great content.


Because most people live pretty ordinary lives, and reading about your random but totally normal encounter is relatable.

Relatable stories are what readers engage with.

So, if you’ve ever thought that your life is boring and you have no personal stories worth sharing, think again.

You do.

What you need to do is find a way to relate them back to reader/customer/client interests.

You might be wondering, “How does that time you got lost in the airport become good content?”

Search your memory for other times you felt lost.

Was there a time you felt lost in a writing project?

Most likely there is.

To create an interesting article using this example, you would:

  1. Tell the story of how you got lost in the airport.
  2. Next, share how it reminded you of the time you felt lost while working on a project.
  3. And lastly, share the steps you took that helped you finish the project.

You have more stories that can be used than you realize. You are constantly having experiences. And even though many of them may seem irrelevant or boring, that does not mean that it is not relatable. Use your relatable stories. They’re the hook that people are interested in.

