First flight, forced landing

How Honeymoon at Zakynthos Ended as a Nightmare.

Should I stop flying?

B.W. Bibi
Word Garden
7 min readMar 18, 2024


Photo by Minhaj Mohammed on Unsplash

It was 2010, we were young and wild, but not crazy enough to tempt fate.

We arranged a budget-friendly trip instead of going with a well-known company, happy to fly somewhere, especially to the beautiful island of Zakynthos.

But we didn’t know what awaited us…

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You know that feeling when all you can think about is your upcoming vacation — where you’ll go, what you’ll do, the adventures you’ll have.

My ex had a fear of flying, but I wasn’t concerned. After all, many people say flying is the safest form of transportation, right?

We chose a mixed transportation journey, combining bus and plane.
So the way there was by bus.
After 20 hours of driving from Belgrade, we finally arrived.

And so, the journey began…

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Zakynthos is calling and we came

Accommodation in Tsilivi is an option worth considering if you’re seeking both adventure and relaxation on your trip to Zakynthos. While there may be better options available, an agency directed us there. It was a long time ago when I started to travel. Normally, I prefer independent travel and arrange accommodation upon arrival.

Regarding our adventures and places we visited, I’d like to mention some must-see places:

  • Kalamaki Beach, known for its turtle nesting sites,
  • Navagio Beach — most beautiful,
  • Zante — old town, the capital city.

And you add further…

Kalamaki beach

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I recommend making a stop at Kalamaki Beach. During our time in Zakynthos, access to the beach was restricted due to nesting turtles, making it a special place to see Caretta Caretta turtles! Although we were nearby, we avoided disturbing them.

You will feel the connection with nature, it is a unique, calm place!

Navagio Beach

This beach isn’t overrated at all. While pictures can capture its beauty, they can’t quite capture the full experience.

When we first saw it from above, it took our breath away.

Navagio Beach — Authors Image

But arriving by boat, surrounded by the Ionian green, was unforgettable. It’s one of the best places I’ve ever visited! The colors, the sunlight, and the sight of the stranded ship awaken your senses and fill you with happiness. Being there is an experience that leaves you feeling thankful.

Navagio Beach — Authors Image

There was also a party, more lively than usual, due to the FIFA World Cup festivities and the presence of many Englishmen. There was singing, and drinking, and it was intriguing for us to hear the English cheering live in June 2010.

While Laganas is considered the top party destination in Zakynthos, we found the music and atmosphere too loud and not to our taste. Instead, we explored beautiful beaches and exotic locations, such as historic old cities. Of course, Zante is worth mentioning.

Zante, old Zakynthos town

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Zakynthos is located at the base of the hill of Bochali and it is at the same time chief town and main port of the island.
After the earthquake that in 1953 destroyed the city the reconstruction works began and now it looks like a modern city to the tourist, a city that is expanding toward the inland because of the many activities that are there developing.

Taken from

Partizan, Zante, Srbija -Authors Image

Other places:

Beautiful Views — Authors Images
In Village — Authors Images
Beach and Restaurant, the Seafood was delicious but killed me after — Authors Images

Return is coming, and it was hard to leave this place…

Nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I was preparing for my first flight.

Adrenaline pumping as we boarded a small Aviogenex plane for our first flight. As we settled into our seats, we started talking with another couple who were also on their first flight.

We exchanged jokes, including some black humor, laughing about our experiences in Zakynthos.

But after a while, things started to complicate.

The humor disappeared, replaced by a sense that black magic had been invited with our black humor.

We noticed the smell of something burning. Despite reassurances from the crew, including the pilot, tension increased as the situation grew more serious. Soon, smoke began to appear, filling the cabin.

Panic grew as masks dropped.

Even the most calm flight attendants began to show concern. I saw their faces and noticed them talking to each other. Adding to the already dire situation, one passenger attempted to reach the cockpit in a panic.

Then, fear overcame me, and tears began to flow. I had fear of suffocation, the plane catching fire, or that a panicked man might disturb the pilot, leading to a crash.

And the pilot interrupted my thoughts with his voice…A decision was made to land in Podgorica.

We were all focused on landing safely. Our panic-stricken faces with masks made for an unforgettable image for a lifetime.

We touched the ground! That was a relief!

I cannot explain that feeling… but I was still concerned about a possible fire.

The pilot, who communicated calmly with us and expertly landed the old airplane, interrupted our applause to him, explaining the procedure to follow.

Very quickly after landing, firefighters appeared around us, urging us to leave our luggage behind and evacuate immediately.

Hurry up, we must move — Authors Images

The worst of the agony fades quickly, and soon enough, I find myself boarding another flight. I no longer feel fear, but I understand if others do. I experienced panic too when I replayed those scenes in my head.

So, I believe that all fear is connected to our past experiences. My ex used to say that he shouldn’t fly. He joked that if he were meant to fly, he would have wings. It’s funny, but perhaps there’s some truth to it.

Yet, with the increasing frequency of such incidents and the undeniable damage we’ve caused to the climate, I wonder whether it’s wiser to avoid air travel altogether.

I try to convince myself that my choice to travel without owning a car still contributes to protecting the planet.

Having a choice is crucial. Fear is natural.

After all, nothing is completely safe in today’s world. We’re surrounded by conflicts and uncertainty.

Do you still believe in fate? What are you afraid of?

I invite you to share your experiences and thoughts.

Until the next story, stay tuned and follow me for more.

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B.W. Bibi
Word Garden

Nature-loving Traveler, Writer, Engineer, Quality Auditor, Business Development Manager, Warrior for the free and smarter world. @bibiable😊 🌿🌍🌟