When The Heart Does Not Really Want, But …

Lakshmi Prakash
Word Lovers’ Club
Mar 11, 2024

I know that side of yours

That prays to help control desires;

I also know that other side of yours

That wishes for time alone with me;

I won’t come any nearer,

And I won’t go any farther,

Keeping you orbiting from the same distance,

For years, for centuries, for millennia to come,

And in what universe can a god punish

A Sun for unfulfilled desires of a little old Earth?

Ram, Christ, and Allah hear you,

They just can’t do a thing.

As always, they are helpless,

And you will never know how to interpret my smile.

- Lakshmi Prakash



Lakshmi Prakash
Word Lovers’ Club

A conversation designer and writer interested in technology, mental health, gender equality, behavioral sciences, and more.