Join Me in Thirty Days of Art Making

Matt Steel
Matt Steel
2 min readSep 10, 2015


Hello Friends,

You’re receiving this letter because you follow Love Letters (formerly known as Content Creators & Curators), my publication on

I recently wrote about creativity, where it comes from, and how anyone can harness it. The essay is entitled One More Wave. At the end, I proposed a little experiment. I’d like to invite you to join me.

You may have heard of exercises like The 100 Day Project. My project is similar, but it’s focused purely on making art. I’d like to help you discover how spending just a little time tapping into the creative current each day can transform your life. Here are the details.

30 × 30 × 30
Thirty days. Thirty creations. Thirty minutes.

The guidelines are simple.

  1. For just thirty days, let’s make a small work of art every day. It can be any kind of image — photography, drawing, painting, etc. It can also be a written work, music, video, sculpture — whatever your intuition wants to make.
  2. Whichever medium you choose, pick one and stick with it for the duration.
  3. Choose a single theme and follow it throughout. For example, my medium of choice will be watercolor and ink drawings, and my theme is borders.
  4. For each creation, spend only 30 minutes. When the time’s up, you’re done. No edits. But don’t phone it in! Put your mind, presence, and self into the work. Why 30 minutes? It’s enough time to make something, it’s manageable, and it will help us avoid overthinking the work.
  5. Each day, post your progress on Instagram and tag the work with#30cubed. I’ll join in, too. Be sure to keep your work intact once the project is done. Is it ugly? Is it lame? Doesn’t matter. I guarantee I’ll be making some ugly art, too. Let’s get weird together!
  6. Depending on the results, I hope to create a keepsake to commemorate the project. More on that later.
  7. Respond to this email with any questions.

We’ll begin the project on September 15, 2015.

Are you in?

With love,
Matt Steel



Matt Steel
Matt Steel

I’m a designer who writes, father of four, and husband of one. Mostly harmless. Partner & Creative Director at Steel Brothers.