How Fast Do You Read?

Rebecca Bardess
1 min readMar 4, 2013

This is my first post and, for no better reason than it’s 23.23 in England and I just saw this picture in my file, I’ve decided to start with this question: How fast do you read?

Have you noticed that reading is becoming a competitive sport? Back in the day, we used to read in solitude. It was a time for contemplation and isolation. Now, we’re meant to share our thoughts, and even the bits of the books that we underline, with the world. Increasingly, people boast about how many books they've read in a week, or even how many they’re reading at one time. Why? If someone told me they’d read x number of posts on Facebook today, I wouldn't be impressed. What makes them think that I give a hoot how many books they can read in a week? What of contemplation?

Do you think this is a change for the better, and that it encourages more reading, or do you believe that books should be lived with, mulled over, and savoured?

Rebecca Woodhead -

