Coincide — definition, meaning, usage, grammar, and example

Sangeet Jaiswal
Word of the Day English
1 min readAug 29, 2020

Hi readers, today’s word of the day is Coincide.

It is a verb.

It is pronounced as [ koh-in-sahyd ]

Learn how to pronounce the word coincide

It means :
To be the same
To go along with
To be concurrent

An example:
If you are merging the two surfaces, the dots must coincide.

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Synonyms of Coincide:
Concur, jibe, accord, correspond, accompany, acquiesce, accord, agree, befall, concert, equal, eventuate, harmonize, identify, match, square, sync, synchronize etc

Antonyms of Coincide:
Dissent, differ, disagree, oppose, protest, refuse, clash deviate, diverge, mismatch etc.

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