Your Favourite Tarot Myths, Busted

Lucius Matthiesen
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2021


How to avoid common pitfalls on the path to an empowering reading.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

The tarot space has practically exploded over the past few years.

There’s been a surge of interest in everything even tangentially witchy, occult or mystical — between them, Hollywood, Netflix, and the fashion industry have a lot to answer for. Largely thanks to them, the archetype of the witch and all that rides on its coattails has been elevated from obscure to iconic.

This evolution has brought with it an influx of new voices and new tarot readers into what was previously a very small niche.

When I began slinging tarot cards for people back in 2014 or thereabouts, there were hardly any other twenty-somethings in the game.

Uncovering tarot, at that time, was like entering a dusty attic filled with treasures, many of them covered in the cobwebs and crust of superstitions and outmoded tropes.

One of the things that were so appealing to me about diving into tarot, as if any reason beyond the discoveries awaiting within the cards themselves was needed, was the opportunity to explore and polish up an instrument which seemed to me to need and deserve it. Because that’s one of the things the tarot is to me — an instrument.

Anyone who learns to play it plays it…



Lucius Matthiesen

Mostly musings on tarot and self improvement. Hit FOLLOW ⤵