Do you praise only the Rock Stars? recently published an article, “Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Says Praise Them Like This (but Most Parents Do the Opposite)”, and while we aren’t parents to our employees, I found the concept interesting. And applicable. And oh, so very, very relevant to how we run our management.

In the article, it describes the difference between praising kids so they have a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is often the product of praising kids for their innate abilities (whether it’s intelligence, athleticism, or ability to sing that high “C” note). While this isn’t “bad” at all to praise for doing great, if you are ONLY praising these abilities and not effort, you may find some negative outcomes such as the aversion to taking risk.

Growth mindset is basically praising effort even if it means they don’t do so well. It breeds the concept of “loving to learn at all cost and all times”, willingness to step out of the comfort zone, and ultimately, higher success.

So how does this relate to business? Well Leadership is the business of people. On some level, to be great leaders, we need to acknowledge our employees are human (with all the glory and quirks), as well as the psychology behind it.

Leadership is the business of people.

Do you only praise your “Rock Stars”? The ones who always do well. Have killer phone service? Can talk the “crazy” customer off the ledge, and make sales like no ones business? You SHOULD praise them. But do you praise ONLY them?

What about those who aren’t always rocking it but make a conscious effort to do their best? They work hard, study their craft, make mistakes, and keep trying. Do you ever give them the same level of praise as you do the other group? Most don’t.

But we should because you don’t have to be a Rock Start innately to develop into one. Praising doesn’t take away the work that either group is doing but let’s not forget to acknowledge the ones putting in the effort even if they don’t always succeed. You’d be surprised how much one word of praise can impact.



Just Human: Business & Leadership
Just Human: Business And Leadership

Are you human? Are you someone who has a passion to change the face of business and leadership? Great! This blog is for you!