Not Every Leader Has To Be A Boss

When we think of leadership, often we think of “boss, manager, assistant manager, CEO, CFO” and the like. Most of us think of leadership as having to be in a management role.

I’m here to tell you a great truth:

Leadership is not a position, it’s action.

Leadership is the ability to lead others towards bettering themselves and ultimately within whatever they are doing. Whether that is the agent who comes in an does calls each day or the person who bags your things at the grocery store. Whether that is the garbage man who picks up things or even the personal assistant running errands.

Leadership doesn’t have to be a position where you are in charge of others. Leadership is meant to be, in a very real sense, a way of life. You do it at home with your kids. You may be a leader for your family or siblings. Your leadership can even include animals and wildlife.

Leadership is such a great concept and is not necessarily a reflection of WHAT we do as much as HOW we do it. When we want to lead someone to be better, when we want to lead ourselves to be better; we are not looking at a position to create that for us. We do so by the actions we take.



Just Human: Business & Leadership
Just Human: Business And Leadership

Are you human? Are you someone who has a passion to change the face of business and leadership? Great! This blog is for you!