
Word Puzzles
Published in
1 min readSep 12, 2013

I was the earth’s first magic

The spark that woke the moon

And served as minstrel that first night

Singing life from earth’s womb

A body granted

But a spirit dweller in life

Talisman of animation’s favour

Flitting from oak crown to mushroom cap

In lightning trailed revelry

And in the end

I saw colossus fall

And evening’s enmity wane

In favour of the spritely cause of dawn

I bid creation “fare well”

And flew into the blooming horizon

To tickle the hem of the blazing afterlife

With my flame-lit fingertips




Word Puzzles

Why do I write? Perhaps in order not to go mad. Or, on the contrary, to touch the bottom of my madness. - E. Wiesel