A Stay-At-Home Mom’s First Two Weeks on Medium

Growth, stats and earnings

Nat Galushkin
4 min readFeb 8, 2024
Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

Two weeks.

That’s how long it’s been since I’ve joined the Medium Partner Program.

It seemed to pass by quickly, but in a strange way, it feels like I’ve been part of this community for much longer than that.

I joined Medium on January 21st of this year, 2024, but it wasn’t until the 24th that I joined the Medium Partner Program. Since hitting the two-week mark, I’ve been wanting to reflect and share about the growth I’ve had on Medium.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Thoughts Since Joining

Simply put, I’ve been loving it!

Medium has been exactly what I was looking for, something to help stimulate my mind and get the creativity flowing, while also giving me the opportunity to have a positive impact on the world around me.

I look forward to my time writing, but also just as much to the time I spend reading. There have been a number of stories that I have read in the last few weeks that have been incredibly relatable for me, and numerous times where I thought, “I could have written this”.

Goes to show that we are not alone in this world, and have so much more in common than we realize.

I have seen an incredible amount of encouragement and support on other’s stories, as well as on my own. This is a beautiful community, and that in itself makes me want to come back daily.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Finding Time

My stories are written while the baby naps and after he has gone to bed at night. This doesn’t give me a lot of time, as I’m often doing other things that keep me busy while he sleeps. Despite this, I’m finding little pieces of time here and there to grow in my writing.

Note: I’m a new writer who is writing in her spare time. I have not been dedicating full-time hours toward my writing and have not been publishing daily.


I’m hoping to niche down once I’ve written for at least a few months and see where that takes me. So far, I’ve written on miscarriage, motherhood, home buying, my mug collection and washing dishes. Don’t write about anything to do with washing dishes, it will flop. Don’t ask me how I know.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash


I’ve written seven stories, three of which are poetry.

On average, I’ve published around three stories a week. Only one story has been published in a publication, We Bought A Money Pit.

The shortest read was Mundane Motherhood, a one minute read, and the longest read was 7 Tips To Spend Less Time Washing Dishes, a five minute read.

The average read time of my stories is around three minutes.

Views & Reads

My views and reads have steadily increased:

January Views — 10 / February Views — 60

January Reads — 5 / February Reads — 28

Followers & Email Subscribers

I have 84 Followers and 4 Email subscribers, and those numbers keep growing! This motivates me to continue writing for my readers, you!


Here are the lifetime earnings per story:

Screenshot from my January earnings
Screenshot from my February earnings

I made $0.95 in January and $5.05 in February. If you do the math, that is a total of $6!

It’s not much, but it’s more than I expected. Maybe my expectations were too low, but I thought it would take at least a few months to make any money at all.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Overall, I am surprised at my growth, in a good way.

My current plan is to continue writing and publishing on Medium at minimum three to four times a week, and see where the next few weeks and months take me.

To conclude, If you’ve been reading my stories, I want to give you a big thank you.

Until next story!



Nat Galushkin

Wife. Mama. Friend. Honest thoughts, stories and poetry related to motherhood and life in my 30's