4–5–9–5–4, XVII

Word Writing
Published in
Apr 13, 2024


Rather Annoyed

My patience wearing thin

Annoyance brews, a silent storm

Sighs heavier than a gale, fraying at the edges

Inside my mind, anger begins

Turmoil beneath calm waters.

Enjoy Extra Benefits

Beneath the velvet cloak

Sultry night benefits whisper, enticing

Sweet promises wrapped in silence, hidden costs lurking, converging

Joy’s facade, masking deeper shadows

Her lies come undone.


In the night’s embrace

Desires whisper, determined, unbridled, fierce

Shadows dance, hungry eyes gleam, restraint pierced, hearts aflame

In the darkness, control dies

Passions swing, uncontrolled, unspoken.



Word Writing

Spend half the time writing fiction and poetry, half my time working to pay bills, and live all the time in my mind's fantasy world.