Big city, bigger ego

Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Her biggest fear is being faceless in this city.

She changed her name to Jakarta a few months ago, after graduating cum laude and being offered a paycheck that promises middle-managerial position after 3 years. Her new place is smaller than when she still went by the name of Hometown, the monthly bill too high, the laundry services too expensive, but Jakarta will be out most of the time anyway, building a reputation and making life worth living. She practices her power pose in the mirror, because everyone in this city seems to be in favour of those who stand tall and talk loud even at the expense of others, and she’s just trying to get on their level. It’s less survival of the fittest, more tenacity of the cunning. She notes this down on her phone as a reminder.

Jakarta mistakes pure envy for inferiority complex. She puts her insecurities aside and carries them as ammunition for humblebrags. When people knew her as Hometown, she was vibrant, buoyant, now Jakarta is just abrasive and ambitious, tells people that all she’s being is fearless. In Jakarta’s dictionary, it’s professional development. In reality, her Mother just wants her to call back and leave a message after the tone.

There’s nothing romantic about sweat pooling in the folds of her body because evidence of hard work isn’t in the hardships you share with the public; it’s the number of people who go from not knowing you at all, to being able to pretend that they do. She turned her notifications off for LinkedIn on her phone many months ago because she couldn’t stand being reminded of her failed interviews every time they asked her to congratulate a friend — sorry, connection, for starting a new position.

There are many things you can lose in this city, but the most fatal thing is letting people remember your name on a different face. So, Jakarta lets them charge her higher for a facial and eyelash extensions.

In the dark, she folds traces of Hometown in half, three times, and tucks them inside the pocket of her favourite white button-down as an excuse to have them close to heart.

Prompt: Oh, Jakarta! by Mondo Gascaro

Originally published at on September 24, 2018.




I reserve scrambled eggs for the weekend for routine's sake.