The Purpose

KUshal Jha
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018

When your eyes first twitch in the morning, maybe the sun is in your face through the window, or maybe it isn’t. You have a little more sleep left in you but you are not sure.

In that semi dazed state your mind wanders , you start to think about your day which is yet to unfold or rather about your life.

And then the minds starts digging deeper :

““What am i doing ? Nothing makes sense. My work does not make any real difference apart from earning profits for someone higher up the chain.

What I do does not put a dent in the universe (Steve Jobs).

I browse through social media , binge on Netflix. Eat , work , sleep.

What I do does not add any value to anybody’s life.

I see the ‘Travel Bloggers’ who quit their jobs and are having a blast (or are they ?), the ‘YouTubers’ having a potential audience of millions , the Fitness fanatics on ‘Instagram’ posting Images with motivational quotes.

Have they figured it out ?

It drives me to ponder deeply about what i think in my head as ‘The Purpose’.
Its an open ended thought but it circles around the age long question of why are we here actually ?

Not just because Darwin theorized “survival of the fittest”.
Do we actually have a divine purpose ? Each one of us.

You in your current state , do u feel fulfilled ? satisfied ?
I am not talking about your jazzy phone or your amazing partner.

As an individual , as a special being , as the sperm which beat millions to get a chance to grow into what you are today.

Do you feel complete ? Or even in the process of being so ?

I mean we cant just be here to survive and perish someday right.
That sounds so mundane.
Or is that all there is ? Is that how nature intended it to be ?

Is the entire purpose of a human life to grow up , have fun if you can ,get married , produce your offspring , tend to them and then gradually wither off.

No.That sounds incomplete.

I am not a believer of the theory of God giving birth to life on this earth.
I believe in the scientific explanation (Darwin’s Theory).

But I absolutely do not believe that ‘bare survival’ is what we are meant for.

Each one of us does have a ‘Purpose’ or ‘Purposes’.
And when i say ‘Purpose’ i am not glorifying it as finding the next big Tech Company or being the greatest musician of all time.NO.

Your purpose might be very very inconsequential for other people , but it drives your life.

And it might not be glorious , it might just be the most basic thing like making people around you laugh
doing anything and everything for your family
playing a musical instrument (whether you are well known or not).

But your thoughts center around it,
your actions center around it,
In fact your life centers around it, whether you realize it or not.

Too often we judge our lives by the accolades showered upon us (or not showered for that matter) but that is just the by product.Never the ‘Purpose’.

Your ‘Purpose’ radiates a force which propels you to pursue it and if you do so with all your heart, I think that’s a life which you can be proud of.

As a wise being once said :

The only journey which matters is the one within’


And with that thought your mind is back to the present,you are still in bed,a little more drowsy maybe as the tornado of thoughts has washed over your sensibilities.Your eyes flicker and then shut , blocking the sunlight, almost.

Welcome to my mornings !!!

Originally published at on January 22, 2018.



KUshal Jha
Editor for

Reluctant Techie | Aspiring Writer | Undecided between Cappuccino and Latte | Selfishly uses writing as a tool for Therapy.