BREW Brilliance: A Conversation with Aleksandra Tryniecka — The Chrysalis BREW Project

The Chrysalis BREW Project
Wordly Brew Magazine
13 min readMay 13, 2024

I hoped to introduce a character who would often have insecurities, who would even complain at times or become grumpy but, at the same time, a character who would have a beautiful heart and always strive towards nobility, goodness, and kindness.

- Aleksandra Tryniecka

Characters often serve as mirrors reflecting the complexities of human nature. For Aleksandra Tryniecka, an assistant professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and an accomplished author of both children’s and academic books, her creation, Bunky, embodies a profound vision of authenticity and empathy. With a heartfelt intention to introduce a character who embraces imperfections while embodying nobility, goodness, and kindness, Tryniecka invites readers of all ages into the whimsical realm of Bunky’s adventures.

Also the Deputy Head of the Literature Unit in the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Tryniecka brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her craft. Her dedication to both academic pursuits and creative endeavors infuses Bunky’s world with depth and authenticity. Through Bunky’s adventures, Tryniecka invites readers to explore themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the importance of embracing one’s true self.

Tryniecka’s “Bunky and the Walms: A Christmas Story” is more than just a literary creation. It is a multi-award-winning book which garnered the following among other accolades: BREW Readers’ Choice Award Book of the Month for December 2021, Book of the Year 2021/2022, and Children’s Book of the Year 2021/2022 as well as BREW Book Excellence Award 2021 Book of the Year, Children’s Book of the Year, and New Book of the Year.

Here’s another closer peek at Aleksandra’s thoughts.

BREW: Congratulations on receiving a BREW Book Award for your outstanding work! Can you share with us what inspired you to write this book and how it aligns with your core precepts as an author?

AT: Thank you so much, and thank you for offering so much love to my literary protagonist, Bunky! The idea of Bunky was born during one of the conference trips to London two years before the publication of “Bunky and the Walms” (2021). However, I’ve been always caring Bunky within my heart. He has always been a huge part of me, and it was my dream and hope to create a literary character like Bunky who would be noble yet imperfect, and with whom the Readers of all ages could easily identify. In the world of perfection and immaculate heroism, I hoped to introduce a character who would often have insecurities, who would even complain at times or become grumpy but, at the same time, a character who would have a beautiful heart and always strive towards nobility, goodness, and kindness. It would be a human-like protagonist who would live in the fairyland of my dreams — the place of kindness, peace, and safety. Thus, Bunky’s ideals are very close to my heart, and he became a part of me — my special literary child and my inner twin. Those Readers who got to know Bunky, actually got to know me, and I hope that they can become Bunky’s forever friends!

BREW: Your book was evaluated based on its content. Can you delve into the themes and messages explored in your book and explain how they resonate with readers?

AT: Every fiction merges with reality, therefore I was drawing from my experience as well. As I have mentioned above, Bunky is strikingly similar to me — initially, it wasn’t intentional, but I believe that he eventually presented himself as a very significant piece of me and an important piece of my world. As a result, the themes and messages explored in my book are the ones which are of the greatest importance to me as well:

Bunky is the protagonist in the centre of the novel, and he is presented as an imperfect yet noble hero. In this respect, Bunky is very much like me, and like majority of the readers. I believe that it hardly ever happens that we meet an utterly “bad” person. Usually, we meet people who stopped believing in themselves or feel “not good enough” — especially while receiving so much pressure from the modern world. It especially affects the youngest readers who, while trying to build a positive image of themselves, fall prey to unjust criticism and perfectionism and, as a consquence, stray from the path of their dreams, sometimes even turning into someone else — someone whom we might perceive in a negative light. My idea was to reassure those readers that their imperfections are often the most intriguing and original traits of their character — as long as their hearts remain good, noble, and loving — despite the pressure and injustices of the modern world.

Everyone is welcome to join Bunky in his fairyland, and also in his living room! Domesticity is the notion that I absoltuely adore and explore throughout my novel. My biggest dream is living in Bunky’s cottage: with a tiny fireplace, fluffy carpet, and lovingly decorated Christmas tree! But, most importantly, there are also Bunky’s neighbours, there are his friends, and there is his family — all living in peace and harmony, supporting one another and showing each other kindness. It’s the perfect world, and I believe that many readers would find it endearing as well.

There is no antagonist in my novel. It is Bunky himself who will have to win with his fears and insecurities — just as we do in our daily lives.

BREW: The writing style of your book was considered during the judging process. Can you discuss your approach to writing and how you crafted your prose to engage readers and convey your story effectively?

AT: Thank you so much! Bunky himself is a very unique character, therefore the narration, as well as the plot, meant to be unique from the start. I believe that I just allowed my characters to speak their minds and guide me through their literary world. Bunky’s way of expressing himself lacks affectation and artificiality often discernible in the so-called “adult world”. He is genuine to the core, loving every aspect of his life, deeply appreciating its good and bad moments, and fully living in his world — these are the aspects which might be often brushed aside in our adult reality. I hoped to write a genuine book — not only on the narrative level, but also on the level of structuring chapter titles or illustrating. I hoped to write the book that I would love to read as a child and that I would love to read to my children one day; the book into which I would love to dive and remain there with Bunky for eternity. And, according to Bunky, “eternity is quite a long time”!

BREW: Judges looked at how well your book appealed to its target audience. How did you ensure that your book resonated with your intended readership, and what strategies did you employ to connect with them on a meaningful level?

AT: Most importantly, I decided to write “Bunky and the Walms” from the bottom of my heart. Even though I am an adult and perform quite responsible tasks in my daily life, just like Bunky himself, I will never allow my childlike nature to disappear. I believe that these are my childlike traits that allowed me to write “Bunky and the Walms”. It was a spontaneous and loving process, because I hoped to offer my readers a book that would be genuine and honest. I believe that Bunky is especially honest and truthful in his straighforwardness, simplicity and childlike ingenuity — and so are the youngest readers, and all readers who preserved this important side of their personality. Even in my adult life, I still believe that this aspect is the most important in order to deal with the most responsible tasks. If our childlike natures thrived, the world would be an entirely different place. I would like to thank the Judges for finding such values in my book — it truly means the world to me!

BREW: Your book was praised for its uniqueness. What aspects of your story or narrative do you believe set it apart from others in its genre, and how did you strive to bring originality to your work?

AT: Thank you so much! It means the world to me! I believe that this is the first book in the world that features Bunky. I am proud of Bunky and believe him to be my best creation. Bunky is unique — from his appearance to his personality. Also, Bunky’s world and the idea of Christmas mingle together in “Bunky and the Walms” in the most unexpected ways. In the novel, the readers will encounter the first Bunky to save Christmas, and the first Santa Claus who is less magical, but more loving and human-like — thus, hopefully, more endearing. Also, the narrative of “Bunky and the Walms” consists of two layers: the first one depicts the events in Bunky’s world, while the second one is the narrative written by Bunky himself in the form of his secret novel “Happy Ever After” in which he projects himself as the Hero of his Own Life. I also love language, and hoped to play with it and endow it with special qualities. Thus, I introduced into my novel the words such as “bunkyful” or “walmful” which mean, according to Bunky, “beautiful, noble, and positive”. Most importantly, while waiting for the publication of “Bunky and the Walms”, I took a thread and a needle and made my literary characters and their clothes as well. Currently, they live in my world and invite the Readers to join them on YouTube and follow their adventures! The link to Bunky’s YouTube channel is available at

In this way, I hoped to bridge the literary world with our reality — I found it especially important for the youngest readers, but also it became a life-changing experience for me.

BREW: The editing of your book played a crucial role in its evaluation. Can you share your experience with the editing process and how you ensured that your book was polished and error-free before publication?

AT: Thank you so much! I would like to thank my wonderful Publishing Team for guiding me through this process. They offered me so much kindness and support on this path! Also, I would like to thank my family and friends for reading the initial drafts of “Bunky and the Walms” and offering me valuable suggestions regarding corrections and the editing process.

BREW: Aside from the aforementioned criteria, were there any other factors that you believe contributed to the success of your book? How did you navigate these additional elements to create a compelling and impactful story?

AT: The honest answer to this question would be that I simply followed my heart. I had no idea about the publishing world — only dreams about Bunky and his world. I wrote “Bunky and the Walms”, began searching for a publisher, started my official website, created a book trailer starring Bunky and the Bunky Princess whom I sewed during the last days of August. The trailer was recorded in my garden, and I felt that Bunky’s world was entering my reality, at last! It was a beautiful feeling. I simply wanted to be genuine, and I felt that there will be the readers who will understand me. Soon afterwards I started my YouTube channel and a blog. All that I had to offer was my creativity and my heart. This journey wouldn’t be the same without the love and support of my amazing friends and family, and without the BREW Chrysalis who embraced Bunky in such a loving way.

BREW: Literature has the power to inspire, educate, and unite people from diverse backgrounds. How do you see your role as an author in shaping our understanding of the world and fostering empathy and connection among readers?

AT: I believe that, somehow, I was called upon to write “Bunky and the Walms” and create my literary Bunky. Sometimes I feel helpless while looking at the state of the world, whereas writing “Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story” was my particular way of inviting even a small positive change into the readers’ lives. It appears to me that each of us has a calling to influence others’ lives in a positive way — and, perhaps, mine was to write “Bunky and the Walms”.

I believe that authors and literature specialists carry with them one of the greatest and powerful tools — words. Sometimes I feel that some authors do not even realise how much power they possess while creating words, and what might be the result of doing that — if done carelessly. Therefore, I always believe that it is a highly responsible task.

Everything that is ever spoken or thought of becomes a part of the world we create around ourselves. Therefore, it is vital to strive for turning the world into a more noble, inviting, hopefully safe, and hopefully loving place. And, even if we cannot achieve it — we can turn our small world into a kind and safe space. Moreover, I believe that since literature has the power to educate, it should offer the youngest readers healthy and reassuring models of life.

When I began writing my novel, I felt tired while thinking about perfect heroes and their extraordinary traits. Even as an adult, I could not find a single way to identify with them — in truth, I felt so small and inadequate. Often, these are adults who diminish children’s worth by thoughtlessly criticising them or making deeply harmful and unjust comparisons. Consequently, I felt the need to introduce Bunky onto the literary scene — the imperfect character whose flaws would make him even more beautiful, empowering, and genuine — just to break the circle of perfectionism which, in truth, can never be realised and can only lead to self-defeat. Also, Bunky’s world is the world in which I would love to live as well — the space in which every reader of the world can feel safe and loved. It was vital to me to highlight the domestic component of this world, as the notions of privacy and the space in which we feel loved and appreciated connect us.

What also struck me while writing was that regardless of our backgrounds, we are all the same — longing for love, affection, respect, and understanding; sharing the same daily fears and joys that Bunky experienced in his world. I simply hoped to create a literary friend for myself and for each and every person in the world. And, I believe, this is what literature should do. Literature is the most endearing and original search for friendships and safe places. And we often succeed on this quest!

BREW: Winning the BREW Book Award is a significant achievement. How has receiving this recognition impacted your journey as an author, and what opportunities has it opened up for you?

AT: I am very grateful for this amazing distinction! I remember waking up on the first of January 2021, not being able to believe for a while that “Bunky and the Walms” received the BREW Book Award, including the title of the Book of the Year! It was the most enchanting New Years’ Day ever! Since then, my journey as an author became very dynamic. Throughout the entire journey until today, I have always felt the love of my readers who embraced Bunky and offered me what I call the “literary wings” allowing me to write and create from the bottom of my heart. This love has been also constantly coming from The Chrysalis BREW Project, and there are no right words to express how important and precious it has been to me, and how grateful I am.

I am also very grateful to my friends and colleagues, and to my family, as they all have been supporting me all the way! “Bunky and the Walms” was my debut novel, and I had no idea how the publishing world works and what can be my expectations on this journey. I feel incredibly lucky that my literary character has been surrounded by so much love since the day of receiving the BREW Book Award. The Award allowed me to appear on the literary scene next to other authors — some of them became my friends too, which feels incredible! It was a miraculous and important step on my literary journey, not only opening numerous possibilities connected with interviews and book promotion, but also paving the way for many future encounters with the readers — and this means so much me, as it was my biggest dream to share Bunky’s story and his journey with those who might feel slightly lost in our reality and long for the world of nobility, goodness, and peace.

I believe that whatever we create by means of words eventually turns into the tangible layer of our world — therefore, creating Bunky’s story and, essentially, receiving the BREW Book Award, opened the rare possibility of introducing Bunky’s literary world and his values to a much wider audience what, in turn, had the potential of changing others’ lives for the better- and I know from the beautiful, precious letters from the readers that it already did! Literature is our secret language, and receiving the BREW Book Award allowed my literary language and my message to be heard and read by my kindred spirits. It has been the most beautiful and gratifying experience.

BREW: Can you share any upcoming projects or future endeavors you’re excited about, and how they tie into your broader vision as a writer?

AT: I am honoured and beyond happy to share that Bunky will embark on his further literary journey very soon! I am also planning to publish a poetry collection.

BREW: Lastly, what message would you like to convey to your readers and supporters who have embraced your work and journey as an author?

AT: Dear Friends, Dear Readers, Dear Fellow Authors, I am honoured to be on this literary journey with you and Bunky! The thought that I would like to share with you is that we should never forsake our inner child — the inner child represented by Bunky. I deeply believe that life can be a magical and beautiful journey — if only we allow our inner child to thrive, accept some of our flaws while striving towards goodness, and delight in the smallest and most beautiful things encountered on the way — just like Bunky does!

I simply hoped to be genuine, and I felt that there will be the readers who will understand me.

- Aleksandra Tryniecka

About “BREW Brilliance”

Our ‘BREW Brilliance’ series is your gateway to the brilliant world of The Chrysalis Books, Reviews, and Everything Written (BREW) Project’s talented award winners. Find a treasure trove of insights, articles, announcements, and exclusive interviews showcasing the stellar qualities of BREW book, blog, and poetry award recipients. From illuminating behind-the-scenes glimpses into their creative processes to thought-provoking discussions on literary themes, ‘BREW Brilliance’ invites you to explore the diverse voices and innovative works that define the forefront of contemporary literature. Join us as we celebrate the passion, dedication, and sheer brilliance of the BREW community, where every page turned, every word penned, reveals a new dimension of literary excellence.

Originally published at on May 13, 2024.



The Chrysalis BREW Project
Wordly Brew Magazine

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