BREW Brilliance: Insights from Jason Ollander-Krane — The Chrysalis BREW Project

The Chrysalis BREW Project
Wordly Brew Magazine
8 min readApr 28, 2024

The characters are good people. To survive they base their lives in illusion, holding secrets close to their chest until forced into action. Each action presents a turn- often a sharp one- in their life story. Their lies, fictions, half-truths, and flights of fancy have consequences large and small.

- Jason Ollander-Krane

Award-winning author Jason Ollander-Krane invites readers into the mesmerizing world of “Circus Home- A Novel of Life, Love and New Jersey,” where illusion and truth intertwine, and secrets shape the destiny of its characters. In the book, Ollander-Krane tackles the complexities of human nature and paints a vivid portrait of individuals who are living within the fine lines between reality and fiction.

“Circus Home,” which won the Magical Realism of the Year 2023 title for the BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award, is a profound examination of the human psyche. As the author aptly puts it, “The characters are good people. To survive they base their lives in illusion, holding secrets close to their chest until forced into action.” This poignant observation encapsulates the central theme of the novel, as each character grapples with the consequences of their lies, fictions, and flights of fancy.

Ollander-Krane explores the lives of characters who, despite their inherent goodness, become entangled in webs of illusion. “Circus Home” transports readers on a vast historical and personal experience trip over decades and continents, all set against the colorful backdrop of New Jersey. Ollander-Krane’s story transports readers to a world where the past and present merge and imagination and reality blur, from the busy streets of 1950s New York City to the exotic appeal of pre-revolution Kiev.

As readers go deeper into the story, they are confronted with thought-provoking questions about the nature of identity and self-perception. Ollander-Krane challenges readers to consider the role of make-believe, illusion, and deception in their own lives, asking, “If your life is grounded in illusion- who are you? When you play a character, where do you end and the character begins?”

Know more about Jason Ollander-Krane and his thoughts in this exclusive interview.

BREW: Congratulations on receiving a BREW Book Award for your outstanding work! Can you share with us what inspired you to write this book and how it aligns with your core precepts as an author?

JOK: I was fortunate to grow up in a theatrical family, attending plays and musicals and making theater. Telling stories, hearing, seeing and understanding what makes great storytelling was central in my life from an early age. The rhythm of strong storytelling, the penchant for winding out a story in a dramatic way come from my upbringing. I developed a love for intriguing characters along with an understanding of the small touches that take a character from words on a page to three dimensions that is very helpful to my writing. Seeing so many successful approaches to telling a story gave me a fuller understanding of the options I had for telling my Circus Home story.

BREW: Your book was evaluated based on its content. Can you delve into the themes and messages explored in your book and explain how they resonate with readers?

JOK: The characters are good people. To survive they base their lives in illusion, holding secrets close to their chest until forced into action. Each action presents a turn- often a sharp one- in their life story. Their lies, fictions, half-truths, and flights of fancy have consequences large and small.

The novel asks readers to consider the role of make-believe, illusion, and deception in their lives. If each of us fabricates who we are- who are we? When we play a character, where do we end and the character begin? If you tell a lie to change your life for the better- is that wrong?

BREW: The writing style of your book was considered during the judging process. Can you discuss your approach to writing and how you crafted your prose to engage readers and convey your story effectively?

JOK: I am fascinated by the idea that we all live theatrical lives. I wanted to explore how each of us (not just circus people or performers) creates the character we are socially by controlling what people know about us. Most of the characters in Circus Home face a choice in how they present themselves. How they handle that choice changes their lives. I chose Brendan as the narrator because he is the mirror image of everyone else in the book. He spent his career using fabrication, hyperbole and exaggeration to lure people into the show, yet, in the end he is- of all the characters- the most genuine about presenting himself. He is so quick to exaggerate, elaborate, embroider. It is hard to tell truth from fiction in his narration. That made it great fun to write his narration.

BREW: Judges looked at how well your book appealed to its target audience. How did you ensure that your book resonated with your intended readership, and what strategies did you employ to connect with them on a meaningful level?

JOK: I wanted to write a novel that had depth and sweep; to create a world that felt large and complicated, like a Dickens novel feels. Yet I also wanted it to be accessible and great fun to read; so complicated yet not too complicated. I knew I wanted to write characters that were idiosyncratic and unexpected. I actually started the project with a list of characters and wrote from there, so the book would be character-driven. Once I had the sketch for the characters, I just needed to let go, imagine and capture my whimsy.

BREW: Your book was praised for its uniqueness. What aspects of your story or narrative do you believe set it apart from others in its genre, and how did you strive to bring originality to your work?

JOK: The book is a flight of fancy, and the characters are larger than life. This seemed necessary to me since they are associated with the circus and carnival world. I tried to bring sights, sounds, smells and emotions that match the size of the entertainment universe.

BREW: The editing of your book played a crucial role in its evaluation. Can you share your experience with the editing process and how you ensured that your book was polished and error-free before publication?

JOK: I am lucky to have engaged with a top-notch editor who brought polish and accuracy. My writing regimen is very edit-driven. Each day when I write I begin by editing what I wrote the day before. That ensures that I deliver a highly edited draft when I deliver my final version. I try to leave very little for the editor to do.

BREW: Aside from the aforementioned criteria, were there any other factors that you believe contributed to the success of your book? How did you navigate these additional elements to create a compelling and impactful story?

JOK: I think the meticulous research helped to make the book stand out. Quite a few readers said they enjoyed working out what in the book is factual and what it imaginary. In other words, it engaged the reader’s imagination actively.

BREW: Winning a BREW Book Award is a significant achievement. How has receiving this recognition impacted your journey as an author, and what opportunities has it opened up for you?

JOK: It is truly an honor to have my work recognized- especially in a category that emphasizes creativity and imagination.

BREW: Literature has the power to inspire, educate, and unite people from diverse backgrounds. How do you see your role as an author in shaping our understanding of the world and fostering empathy and connection among readers?

JOK: Circus Home was intended to cause the reader to look at how we present ourselves to the world and to assess how their presentation impacts our lives and the lives of the people around us. In other words, it is about empathy and connection. I was hoping to encourage people to be more intent on examining their impact on others and to create more intentionally kind and truthful relationships.

BREW: Can you share any upcoming projects or future endeavors you’re excited about, and how they tie into your broader vision as a writer?

JOK: I am working on my next novel. Details to come in 2024!

BREW: Lastly, what message would you like to convey to your readers and supporters who have embraced your work and journey as an author?

JOK: We are all
And what’s inside
is meant
to stay
Like crystal
trees we
through each other
our branches break
and others grow
At sunset
the ground
As night
fallen twigs
in tall
green grass
the day’s
is darker
than the
the fire

I am fascinated by the idea that we all live theatrical lives. I wanted to explore how each of us (not just circus people or performers) creates the character we are socially by controlling what people know about us.

- Jason Ollander-Krane

Get a copy of Circus Home: A Novel of Life, Love and New Jersey by Jason Ollander-Krane by clicking here.Click here to visit the website of Jason Ollander-Krane.To know more about the BREW Book, Blog, and Poetry Awards, click here.

We want to hear from you. Comment below with your answers to the following questions:

How do you perceive the role of illusion and truth in shaping the lives of the characters in “Circus Home”?

Which setting described in the novel resonated with you the most, and why?

What lessons or reflections did you take away from Jason Ollander-Krane’s discussion on the complexities of identity and self-perception?

Share your thoughts and join the conversation today!

About “BREW Brilliance”

Our ‘BREW Brilliance’ series is your gateway to the brilliant world of The Chrysalis Books, Reviews, and Everything Written (BREW) Project’s talented award winners. Find a treasure trove of insights, articles, announcements, and exclusive interviews showcasing the stellar qualities of BREW book, blog, and poetry award recipients. From illuminating behind-the-scenes glimpses into their creative processes to thought-provoking discussions on literary themes, ‘BREW Brilliance’ invites you to explore the diverse voices and innovative works that define the forefront of contemporary literature. Join us as we celebrate the passion, dedication, and sheer brilliance of the BREW community, where every page turned, every word penned, reveals a new dimension of literary excellence.

Originally published at on April 28, 2024.



The Chrysalis BREW Project
Wordly Brew Magazine

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