WordPress two step authentication Step by Step Tutorials

This post was originally published at JustLearnWP.com : http://justlearnwp.com/wordpress-two-step-authentication-tutorials/

Google’s spam guru, Matt Cutts, explained what is Two-factor authentication:

Two-factor authentication is a simple feature that asks for more than just your password. It requires both “something you know” (like a password) and “something you have” (like your phone).Source:

Online security is very important, bad guys and hackers are always trying to access websites. There are many ways to hack a WordPress website and Brute Force Attack is one of those attack. It is important to use a secure and strong user name and password but sometimes it does not work.

Image Soource : JustLearnWp.com

To make your WordPress websites more secure and safe you can use many WordPress security plugins. Two-Factor Authentication also known as WordPress two step authentication is very popular used y some of the most popular websites online including google, WordPress.com, Twitter and many more.

There are are many free WordPress security plugin available to add Two-Factor Authentication (WordPress two step authentication) to your WordPress website. I you want to learn how to set up Two-Factor Authentication in WordPress you can read any of these tutorials.

  1. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for Your WordPress Site with Google Authenticator

This tutorial is written by Kristen Wright for ithemes.com, In this post Kristen covers how to set up WordPress two step authentication with Google Authenticator and iThemes Security Pro.

Author: Kristen Wright
Website : iThemes

2. How to Use Authy to Manage Google Authenticator Keys for WordPress

If you’re adding two-factor authentication protection to your WordPress site with iThemes Security Pro, you have two ways to manage your login keys — directly through the Google Authenticator app or with Authy, an app that also manages your Google Authenticator keys.

In this tutorial Kristen explains benefits of using Authy and How to Use Authy to Manage Google Authenticator Keys for WordPress.

Author: Kristen Wright
Website : iThemes

3. Introduction to Two Factor Authentication

This article is written by Aaron D. Campbel for iThemes.com, in this article Aaron explains What is Two Factor Authentication? What are the Benefits of Two Factor Authentication? and How do you get started with WordPress two step authentication?

Author: Aaron D. Campbel
Website : iThemes

4. Two Step Authentication « WordPress Codex

In April 2013, WordPress.com announced that they would let users log in with two-step authentication for better security. Two-step authentication is showing up all over the Internet as more sites look for better ways to secure logins, which are the weakest part of anything a user does online.

You can read more about WordPress Two-Factor Authentication (WordPress two step authentication) at WordPress.org

5. How To Set Up WordPress Two Factor Authentication

This article is written by by Brenda Barron for elegantthemes blog. Brenda has explained what is Two-Factor Authentication and listed some popular free and premium plugins for WordPress two step authentication.

Author: Brenda Barron
Website : elegantthemes

6. Using Google Two-Factor Authentication With WordPress

This step by step tutorials is written by Jeff Reifman for TutsPlus. In this tutorials he explains how you can use Google Two-Factor Authentication With WordPress using Google Authenticator WordPress plugin.

Author: Jeff Reifman
Website : TutsPlus

7. How to Enable 2-Factor Authentication in WordPress

In this tutorial Sourav teaches you how to enable two-factor authentication for WordPress using a free plugin called Duo Two-Factor Authentication.

Duo Security is an enterprise-level, renowned security service which is trusted by hundreds of companies like Sony, Microsoft, Accenture, Toyota and Yelp. It’s extremely secure and equally easy to use.

Auhtor: Sourav
Website: wpexplorer
Image Source : wpexplorer

8. Two Factor WordPress Authentication with Google Authenticator

This is another tutorial written by Sourav for wpexplorer.com. In this tutorial you can learn how to use Two Factor WordPress Authentication with Google Authenticator plugin.

Auhtor: Sourav
Website: wpexplorer

9. 2-Step Verification for WordPress Using Google Authenticator

This tutorials is written by me for sitepoint.com. In this tutorial you will learn to set up 2-Step Verification for WordPress Using Google Authenticator plugin.

Author : Tahir Taous
Website : Sitepoint

10. How To Protect Your WordPress Account Login with Two-Factor Authentication on Ubuntu 14.04

This is another tutorial by Sourav Kundu about Two-Factor Authentication. In this article he teaches you How To Protect Your WordPress Account Login with Two-Factor Authentication on Ubuntu 14.04.

Author : Sourav Kundu
Website : DigitalOcean

11. Enhance WordPress login with two factor authentication

This tutorial is published by CssIgniter team. You will learn how to use Two Factor Auth plugin. Two Factor Auth plugin uses your email or the Google authenticator app (available on iOS, Android and Blackberry) to provide the token and does not require a third party service.

Website: cssigniter

WordPress two step authentication: Final Words

With these tutorials you can learn how to set up WordPress two step authentication. Never ignore security and always use strong passwords, user name and security plugins to make your website secure and safe.

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Mohammad Tahir Taous
WordPress Blogging & Responsive WebDesign

Udemy instructor, Sitepoint.com, CreatveBloq.com contributor,JustLearnWP.com Founder, #WordPress, #Blogging, #Responsive Theme Development, #ResponsiveDesign