Why Wordpress 3.7 is incredible

“Oh, its just another update.”

Jeff Matson
WordPress CMS
2 min readOct 26, 2013


As many Wordpress users all over the world were prompted to update their Wordpress sites today, the sound of groaning could be heard worldwide. Yet another day, another update. But wait, what is this magical feature that was introduced? Could it be the greatest feature to be introduced to the CMS world? Yes, it is. The ability to automatically update Wordpress without the need for any configuration.

While the Wordpress 3.7 update comes out of the box preconfigured to update only on minor updates such as bug and security fixes which in itself is extremely useful and has been wanted by both Wordpress users and web hosts alike, but it can also be easily adjusted to cater to major releases as well.

You may ask, why does that matter? Well, I’ll tell you. Wordpress, just like every other piece of open source software, is the target of many malicious individuals who solely want to destroy your site for either fun or profit. Letting your Wordpress site sit stagnant with out-of-date software is like leaving the same locks on your house through multiple residents over time. While its possible that your site may never be hacked, the probability is there is someone were inclined to do so.

Working at a major web host, I have seen it a lot. 95% of the hacks we see on a daily basis are completely due to individuals running out-of-date software. While you will still need to update your plugins and themes which can be vulnerable to attack, your site is far safer now that Wordpress has introduced this new feature.

If you have not already updated, I highly suggest that you do so. Your host will love your for it and your website will be much happier. It may even give you a cookie because of course, everyone loves cookies.

