Blockchain for everyone: We Stamp For You — Timestamp Automatically (Soft Launch)

After months of hard work, we are proud and excited to reveal the soft launch of We Stamp For You — the same timestamps, but fully automatic.

For blockchain enthusiasts, timestamping articles on the blockchain is super easy. However, for website owners who don’t know anything about blockchain, using WordProof Timestamp is still difficult. Although all the UX efforts we’re doing at WordProof have great impact, timestamping still requires a fully configured wallet, an account on the blockchain and more. For editors, journalists and other writers, this is simply too much. Until today.

Automatic Timestamps of all pieces of content

We Stamp For You is the often requested timestamp service which timestamps your pages, posts, and media for you on the background. The same timestamp, but then automatically. Editors, journalists, and other writers no longer need wallets and keys to claim ownership of their content. It is now possible to experience the full power of the blockchain, without having to be tech-savvy enough to actually own an account.

This week, we will do a soft launch with our partner
See WordProof Timestamp: We Stamp For You in action, TODAY!

Blockchain for everyone: an automatically timestamped article (< 1 second after publishing)!

The Unique ‘We Stamp For You’ features in action

EOSwriter is a launching customer of WordProof Timestamp’s ‘We Stamp For You’. Check any article on their website to see WordProof Timestamp’s ‘We Stamp For You’ in action.

Unique ‘We Stamp For You’ features:

  • Real-time protection — New articles or revisions will be timestamped on the background in seconds;
  • Time machine — scroll through all revisions of content (this feature is optional). See it in this article: ‘WordProof just made history on the EOS Blockchain.’
  • Protect the past — New content will be timestamped automatically, but what about the valuable content you already published? It was possible to timestamp older content already, but instead of the 1-by-1 approach, we introduce a feature to timestamp them in batches.
WordProof Timestamp feature: batch-stamp the past!
The ‘Automate’ tab, now available in the open-source WordProof Timestamp plugin!

‘We Stamp For You’ will be accessible to everyone soon. The coming weeks we will accept some testers of the service. Install the open-source WordProof Timestamp plug-in, and request a ‘We Stamp For You’ key to get started.

We are doing a pilot with a few Dutch titles as well, more on that soon!

Get in touch with us or one of our partners to get you started with ‘We Stamp For You’.

But, isn’t that a centralized solution, the opposite of decentralization?

After talking with literally hundreds of potential users, we discovered that there are several use cases. The two major use cases being:

  • Sometimes, timestamping is about the possibility to prove who wrote what as an extension of corporate governance. In this case, it makes sense to have the writers and editors sign content manually with personal blockchain accounts (you have to be sure it’s them!).
  • However, there are also publishers with tens of editors who care about proving integrity as an organization and about protecting content, without having to connect individual identity to articles.

In that case, a “We Stamp For You”-services makes a lot of sense. Without having to manually timestamp everything, all new pieces of content are protected via the blockchain in seconds.

Blockchain technology is not accessible enough (yet) for everyone. Either we exclude everyone who is not tech-savvy enough to use it now, or make it accessible for them. We chose the latter. — Jelle van der Schoot, Product at WordProof

Keys and Permissions for WordProof

In EOSIO, you have an advanced permission system designed to keep you safe and to make services like We Stamp For You available safely and securely.

By default, your EOS-account has an active and an owner key. WordProof works with an additional, limited key, that only has the permission to timestamp on your behave. This permission can be revoked anytime. Thus, the timestamp done through We Stamp For You is identical to a manual timestamp (both done via the account you own and control) and the permission through which WordProof timestamps content can be withdrawn at any time.

If you want to learn more on EOSIO permission system, read this article on custom permissions by EOS New York.

Here’s how to set up your key for the We Stamp For You service (technical explanation):

Our resellers are more than happy to assist you with setting this up!

Roadmap We Stamp For You

  • WordProof Timestamp ‘We Stamp For You’ for WordPress sites — available today, get in touch
  • WordProof Timestamp ‘We Stamp For You’ for non-WordPress sites — Q3, reach out to us if you’re interested in being a launching customer
  • WordProof Timestamp ‘We Stamp For You’ for WordPress, self-on-boarding — Q4
  • WordProof Timestamp ‘We Stamp For You’ API — Q4
  • Decentralized Revision Storage — Q1 2020
  • WordProof Timestamp on your marketplace — 2020

Are you ready to grow trust without the hassle of manually stamping? Go ‘We Stamp For You’!

Taking ownership and showing transparency results in Trust. Are you ready to grow trust without the hassle of manually stamping?

Are you ready to protect your content automatically and thereby growing the trust into your organization? Start to stamping with us! Request your key and we will select applicants to be the first users of the ‘We Stamp For You’ Service.

If you are interested and want to find out more, please reach out via Telegram, our website or email, and we’ll be in touch.

Are you a publisher? More than 10,000 real articles are already protected with a WordProof Timestamp and we’d love to discuss the protection of your content, too! Please reach out to us via this form.

About WordProof

WordProof brings the benefits of blockchain to the world of content in a user-friendly way. WordProof Timestamp is our first product, to protect your content with blockchain:



Sebastiaan van der Lans
WordProof brings the benefits of blockchain to the world of content.

Amsterdam based / Founder WordProof (2018) / Founder of WordPress Agency ‘Van Ons’ (25 developers, since 2006) / Blockchain & UBI enthusiast / Author.