WordProof in #BuiltOnEOSIO

WordProof leverages EOSIO, a next-generation, open-source blockchain protocol with industry-leading transaction speed and flexible utility. Introduced in May 2017, it has since been widely recognized as the first performant blockchain platform for businesses across the world.

Block.One, the creator of EOSIO, regularly publishes about projects #BuiltOnEOS that excite them:

“Our #BuiltOnEOSIO series showcases some of the amazing projects leveraging EOSIO technology to build a more secure and connected world. If you would like to suggest a project for us to feature please send an email to spotlight@block.one for our Developer Relations team to review.”
Block.one Developer Relations team

This time, Block.One chooses to interview WordProof, enjoy the full article here!

WordProof Puts Content Trusted Timestamping on EOSIO Blockchains.



Sebastiaan van der Lans
WordProof brings the benefits of blockchain to the world of content.

Amsterdam based / Founder WordProof (2018) / Founder of WordPress Agency ‘Van Ons’ (25 developers, since 2006) / Blockchain & UBI enthusiast / Author.