WordProof Worker Proposal, Cycle #3: Open Source “Viral dApp Marketing: On-boarding Model”

WordProof is now a team of three, working full-time on the WordProof project. A viral marketing strategy will play a vital role for the on-boarding of new users to dApps in the EOS.IO ecosystem, one where people are incentified to join and use WordProof. As we are working out our token economics, literally hundreds of marketing ideas came up to accomplish this. Today we present the deliverable for WordProof WPS Cycle #3: a blockchain on-boarding Tool.

The usage of blockchain, combined with the free transactions in the Telos / EOS, opens a whole new range of options in marketing strategies. As we think the EOS.IO ecosystem could hugely benefit from pragmatic marketing tools, we would like to use Cycle #3 of the WordProof Worker Proposal to develop and Open Source the following “Viral dApp On-boarding Tool”.

It’s a Three Step On-boarding Tool:

  • Every Telos / EOS user could claim # PROJECT tokens.
  • By registering via email, a second # of PROJECT tokens could be claimed.
  • By using the token in < 10 days, the User receives another # of PROJECT tokens.

Model “Viral dApp Marketing: On-boarding Model”

WordProof WPS Cycle #3 covers the dev. and Open Sourcing of “Viral dApp Marketing: On-boarding Model”.


  • We will develop this tooling in June, and optimize it in August and July.
  • The tool (React interface + simple email API + basic Smart Contract) will be published as Open Source software in less than 60 days after our initial deploy in June.
  • Of course, the Telos WPS contribution will be mentioned at our WordProof Github Repository for co-funding this tool.
  • Investment: 75,000 TLOS (we receive 300,000 TLOS, but will transfer 225,000 TLOS back in < 24 hours).

The WordProof economics will be published later (halfway June), but the tool we develop will be applicable on any dApp having any token economics.

We’re looking forward to sharing marketing tools with the EOS.IO ecosystem.

Thank you for considering to vote on WordProof Cycle #3: “Viral dApp Marketing: On-boarding Model”.

Team WordProof

Sebastiaan van der Lans



Sebastiaan van der Lans
WordProof brings the benefits of blockchain to the world of content.

Amsterdam based / Founder WordProof (2018) / Founder of WordPress Agency ‘Van Ons’ (25 developers, since 2006) / Blockchain & UBI enthusiast / Author.