Never Forget To Show Gratitude Throughout Life

Words and Life (365 Days)
2 min readNov 6, 2018


Being grateful for the little things that we have on a day to day basis is very hard in your everyday life. We’re all so bombarded with so much stuff in the world that we often times never stop just to appreciate the life we’re living. We strive so hard to get places without being grateful for the moment we’re already in.

In situations where things are tough and you may think that it’s all over, its best to adjust your thoughts and imagine as if your situation was a lot worse. Someone somewhere is going through something 10X worse than you and they may not even be complaining. This is where showing gratitude and showing how much you appreciate your life truly comes into play.

Showing gratitude doesn’t only have to be showing appreciation of YOUR life. Showing your appreciation of others is another method that most use. Just by approaching someone and having a detailed conversation with them is a sign of gratitude.

How To Show Gratitude?

To show gratitude you can use these simple steps …

  1. Be thoughtful of others
  2. Give out compliments
  3. Be an active listener
  4. Be gracious when challenged
  5. Congratulate Others
  6. Be Patient
  7. Journal your blessings
  8. Perform a random act of kindness
  9. Donate to charity
  10. Always say Thank You

There are many ways of showing gratitude, these are just a couple that i’ve mentioned. I challenge you for a week to add this into your life and see how much happier you will become with everything in life.



Words and Life (365 Days)

Inspiring Others To Be Great One Post At A time. 📌 Dare To Be Different 💡 Instagram:@jakariblogs