I’m Stepping Out of the Shadows

The time has come for me to no longer be “anonymous”

Lynda Wallis
Words Behind the Pictures



My job has been conducted in the shadows, on the sidelines, and anonymously over the course of my career. I’ve had no problem with that. No one thinks about the person who writes, illustrates, designs, and produces the signs we see in local parks, nature preserves, museums, or national forests. It’s been my job to create those signs for more than three decades. I love and am proud to help tell so many stories spanning time. Stories that shed light on the natural and human history of a place; the ecology, hydrology, and the geology of a place; the story of a specific insect or animal; the stories of prairies, wetlands, woodlands, fen, bogs, streams, creeks, lakes; stories of amazing humans who have championed a place and help save it from development. Every single piece of land has a story, and it’s been my honor to help dig out and tell those stories. The use of compelling illustrations, titles, photographs are the bright and shiny bait that draw folks over to an interpretive sign. The great stories keep folks around to learn a little bit about what they are seeing — or not seeing, and experiencing.



Lynda Wallis
Words Behind the Pictures

Deeply rooted in the mid west, I write about little things — everything is a little thing-art, the creative process, the natural world, and love.