Proud to be Part of The Gypsy-Entrepreneur Tribe

Why I’m willing to travel and do art shows in the warm months.

Lynda Wallis
Words Behind the Pictures


My tent is the one with the green dragon tail flag. Author photo

Many of my close friends are artists of the gypsy-entrepreneur tribe. They earn a large portion of their income by creating fabulous stuff during the cold months and traveling to art shows during the warm months.

They work in their workshops during the cold months creating their wares hoping there will be enough inventory to get them through the busy warm summer months.

I’m part of this annual cycle now too, I joined the gypsy-entrepreneur tribe about ten years ago. No matter how much we produce during the cold months, it’s never enough, we’re all making throughout the summer months in the space between shows.

Some of my friends have been doing art shows for 40+ years. They are all masters of their chosen craft: fine jewelers, high craft woodworkers, stunning ceramists, fabric artists, glass artists, woodblock artists, and not too many 2-D artists. 2-D art is always welcomed by the jury if it’s good, but it is one of the toughest sells at an art show.

The first summer I ventured out to participate in art shows, I sold my Plein air oil paintings. I sold almost all of them and even won an award. When the season was over, I added up my income and expenses from…



Lynda Wallis
Words Behind the Pictures

Deeply rooted in the mid west, I write about little things — everything is a little thing-art, the creative process, the natural world, and love.