A Promise worth Keeping

Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell
Published in
Nov 9, 2020

A crash of thunder fills the silence that otherwise dominates the air.

So fitting that this gust of wind arrives as soon as it’s been knocked out of my sails.

I’ve walked this path before. I’ve seen where it leads.

But something is different now. The picture is clearer.

Where once I believed in all the breadcrumb trails, now I see they were made to decay.

Made to vanish without a trace. So that history can repeat and my soul can deplete.

Maybe it’s age. Maybe it’s wisdom. Maybe it’s too many turns on this merry-go-round.

I will not let myself down.

The choice is yours to make. I can’t change my fate.

But I’ll be damned if I let you get away with stealing the confidence I finally acquired.

I’ll keep standing, drenched by rain in open range.

My head will be held as high as can be.

I’ll keep performing, to my best.

I’ll keep growing in spite of you.

Your heartless words and empty tone will resonate throughout my head.

It’ll bounce around, but it wont sink down to my heart.

It won’t hit my soul with a clink.

It’ll swirl around and around, until it too decays.

Vanishing without a trace.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.