Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell
Published in
Aug 12, 2020


Ice Cream

Holding out, Been working hard.

Deserving of a treat.

Shelter from the windy night

And grab yourself a seat.

Just in time, the curtains roll

We’re ready to extract

Creamy goodness never fails

We know this for a fact.

Pull that lever. Pull it down,

Just cool enough it fogs

The cold machine of stainless steel

Is working all its cogs.

Look at that; a work of art.

The icy shrapnel glistens

Devouring feels like a soft dream

That’s coming to fruition.

As it melts upon the tongue;

The homely flavour bursts

A teardrop falls into the cup

The cold numbs dark thoughts first.

It’s just another crutch that’s used

Dopamine flooded high.

This life is always challenging

It helps to forget why.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.