Force Field.

Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2022

If a picture says a thousand words

Then you just wrote the book entirely

Frame freeze.

And in that moment I am back again

And the lights are in my eyes but still I see

With ease.

You take my hand while pushing through the crowd.

You were there then you were gone.

And I start retracing steps to you but draw a blank, click

You got me so magnetised.

Can’t stop thinking of you all the time.

And I’m headfirst into the force field.

Deciphering all your moves.

While I’m trapped in this bubble of you.

Diving headfirst into the force field.

I’ve inspected all the faces

All the blurry memories and soliloquies

I’m on my knees.

When I find you, you apologise

Say you’re not used to feeling intensity.

I count to three.

Thinking I read too much into it.

But now you’re standing at my door.

And you tell me that you feel like we need to explore, what?

You got me so magnetised.

Can’t stop thinking of you all the time.

And I’m headfirst into the force field.

Deciphering all your moves.

While I’m trapped in this bubble of you.

Diving headfirst into the force field.

Diving headfirst into the force field.

Diving headfirst into the force field.

I’ve been diving headfirst into the force field .

Bouncing off the walls but you’ve taken flight.

I’ve been diving headfirst into the force field.

Waiting for you here every day and night.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.