Ode to Halloween

Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2019

Don’t get me wrong, I love sunshine.

Rainbows, smiles and sweets are fine.

But after months of sickly sweet,

I start to fidget in my seat.

I still crave parties; that won’t change,

But I’d rather celebrate strange.

The great ungodly, great undead.

The ones who fought and lost their head.

Black crows that moan upon their perch.

While haunted mist surrounds the church.

I’ll wear all black; hair slicked in place,

Or don a mask upon my face.

We maybe rare and out of sight,

But come October we’re a fright.

And as we see the end of day,

Evil spirits come to play.

Screaming makes the crowd disperse,

While witches cast an ancient curse.

Curse the wind and block the sun.

Life and light will soon be done.

As I dig up every grave,

There’ll be no one left to save.

Bonfires cast a smoky haze.

Monsters enter killing phase.

Slash a pumpkin with a knife,

Two eyes, a mouth bring it to life.

Placed on steps that show decay.

It’s vicious eyes say stay away.

Say hold on tight, say your goodbyes.

And see the world through blood soaked eyes.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.