Ready to Fight

Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell
Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2019

Revelations don’t come while doing day to day.

They come while wiping dirt out of your eyes.

You’ve been kicked to the ground many times before.

They never saw it accumulating into something more.

They tell us not to bottle things up, but also not to break.

Tell me, how much are you really meant to take?

Maybe breaking isn’t always such a bad thing.

As through the cracks you catch a glimpse of what matters.

Like a strained muscle aching in repair;

You strengthen through the pain into a true resolute force.

No longer playing defence.

Better believe you’re going to end up on top.

Feel the wind against your face.

Feel the rain pelt down.

Feel the shortness of your breath.

Feel it all. Let it consume you.

You will not be beaten.

They’re about to wish they never messed with you.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.