The Whole Point.

Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell


After weathering the storms

You’ll find peace comes in many forms.

You’ll one day look around and see

It’s perfect, how it’s meant to be.

But at that time, you’ll feel unease

Addicted to the real disease.

The fighting, always hanging on

Until all energy is gone.

Wanting to make a real impact

But also keep your soul intact.

Wanting to help, that much is true.

But never grasped your real value.

You could have fundraised for a cure.

Helped Haiti towns make roofs secure.

You could have preached the word of god.

Served soup to homeless and down-trod.

You could have been the one to call

When people want to end it all.

The problem is you’re not alone.

With insta models on your phone.

You’ll scroll through all the privileged faces

Doing up some poor soul’s laces.

And helping out, digging a well

Comes second, from what I can tell,

To taking pictures with the fam

To share on Snapchat and the ‘gram.

How much is authentically sincere?

We’ll never know, until they fear

That when they reach their final phase,

They’ve not been valuing their days.

Instead their outputs got them through,

Bought them a house with ocean view.

Helped them purchase everything;

A lifestyle that’s fit for a king.

But what’s the point when we have won,

When everything is said and done?

And we start drifting, past our prime

To the edge of life and of our time.

I had a revelation see

That maybe what we’re meant to be

Is faded by the constant stress

And stifling fear of having less.

And what I find interesting

Is sharing what your makes your heart sing

Can influence somebody’s day,

Even if they never say.

So sing your heart out, let it roar!

Let artwork dry out on the floor.

And dance the way your body’s built.

Or sew a truly luscious quilt.

Write prose that keeps them up at night.

Capture photos at first sunlight.

Hammer nails into the wood.

And fix that engine leak for good.

We all have a small part to play.

It transcends chasing higher pay.

And though we mostly need the cheque

We do not need to break our neck.

We must keep fuel left in the tank

For what one day we’ll come to thank.

Hold what feels right, hold it tight,

And do not stop sharing your light.

Create and let the world consume

And peace will kick impending doom.



Mitchell Penny
Words by Mitchell

30-something Poet & Writer from the most isolated city in the world.