Ode To Spoilers

Luke Trayser
Words for Life


Gather ‘round, children. Uncle Luke has a story.
DYLAN. Attention is most mandatory.

There once was a land like the one you now know,
but there was no Minecraft or Pokémon Go.

Children. Stop crying. I’m setting the stage
with what to expect as you wither with age.

See, Uncle Luke was once a lad, too.
All the time in the world and nothing to do.

He whined and he griped and he bawled and he moaned
that life would be different once he was all growned.

And how different it is! He’s now a grown man
with loans and a mortgage and his own little clan.

These days, the opposite problem is true:
He has no time at all and so much to do.

Where was I? Yes, spoilers! Thank you, my dear.
I’ve printed a list. It’s your own souvenir

of shows I haven’t seen all the way through.
I sure hope you’re comfy. There’s reading to do.

The Sopranos. Broad City. The Good Wife and Veep.
The Wire. Mad Men. Lost, Girls and Treme.

BoJack. Dexter. The Knick and Fargo.
Justfied. Curb. The one with Jon Snow.

There are so many more. There’s not enough time.
That’s why I’m here, talking in rhyme.

Spoilers give us some precious time back
to spend where we please and grow where we lack.

Remember: TV, movies and games are all great.
But when you consume, you cannot create.



Luke Trayser
Words for Life

ACD and copy guy at Ivor Andrew. Freelance copywriting mercenary. Not my real hair. Get in touch on Twitter or email ltrayser at gmail.