What if you could only own one movie per decade?

Luke Trayser
Words for Life
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2 min readJun 9, 2016

I first asked my colleagues this question. We were all completely unable to make our lists without second guessing ourselves over and over. So I then asked reddit the question.

130+ comments later, I had learned a few things. One, a ton of people really, really love the movie Her. Two, The Lady Vanishes is a wonderful film and I can’t believe it took me this long to see it. And three, this is a super fun question. So now I’m asking you.

What if you could only own one movie per decade?

It’s intended to be brutally simple. Don’t give reasons for your choices. Don’t give shoutouts to films you almost chose. Most of all, don’t worry about what other people might think of your list. Pick movies you truly love and that you won’t easily tire of.

This is my list. Let me know what yours looks like.

1940s: Casablanca

1950s: Singin’ In The Rain

1960s: The Sound Of Music

1970s: Jaws

1980s: Die Hard

1990s: The Iron Giant

2000s: No Country For Old Men

2010s: The Grand Budapest Hotel

Introducing Collaboration Room

It’s a new Medium publication my colleagues and I created. If you enjoyed this question and all the hair pulling that came with it, I recommend you give Collaboration Room a follow.

That’s it! Have fun listmaking, and have yourself a great evening.




Luke Trayser
Words for Life

ACD and copy guy at Ivor Andrew. Freelance copywriting mercenary. Not my real hair. Get in touch on Twitter or email ltrayser at gmail.