Photo by Jessica F on Unsplash

About Words From the Silence

And how to submit your work


“Dive deep into that Silence. Stop the oscillating mind. Become free from any waves. Look within that Silence and you’ll enjoy that peace, the music of your soul, that echoing Silence, your Self — I am.”

~Swami Vishnudevananda

Welcome to Words From the Silence, a new sanctum of peace on Medium. Here you’ll find explorations and thoughts on various topics pertaining to spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, philosophy, the science of yoga, etc.

Words From the Silence offers a respite from the tumultuous and hectic world. Come, stop by, sit with us in silence for a few minutes, allow the writer’s words to wash over you…

General guidelines for submissions:

  • We’re looking for thoughtful work that explores the tags we’ve chosen for this publication: spirituality, meditation, philosophy, and self. The format and style are up to you. We’re open to different explorations in whatever way you see fit.
  • We strive for this publication to be inclusive, intersectional, but non-denominational. We’re looking for voices that aren’t often heard in…

