Angel Message — Poem


Listen Now

Krys Key
Words In Motion


Break free, dear precious one
The change you seek is coming
Be fearless, dear precious one
You feel that I speak the truth
Watch now, dear precious one
Do you see the way now?
Your way.

Be alert, dear precious one
Dreams await and surround you
Look now, dear precious one
You need only reach out your hand
Hold tight, dear precious one
All that you were meant to be
Is arriving.

Be brave, dear precious one
For sweeping change and opportunity
Seek now, dear precious one
Open your heart and mind
Hear now, dear precious one
They speak to you of the way
Your way.

Listen now, dear precious one
Your heart knows the truth
Feel now, dear precious one
Your soul knows the truth.

Transforming and transcending
To that which you were always
Meant to be.

Sense now, dear precious one
Passion and joy rise up
Imagine now, dear precious one
Your dreams become reality
Rise now, dear precious one
Join your spirit and rejoice!

Become one with the Universe
In the way that only you can
Your way.

Be all that you are
Divine precious one.

Some days ago, I checked my mobile phone messages. When I did, a little shiver ran through me.

There, on the screen, I read that it was 5.55 pm, on the 5th of June.

A confirmation of what I had been sensing — changes about to occur.

This became the inspiration for this poem.

You are also my inspiration, for YOU are a Divine Precious One!

Thank you so much to Tree Langdon for publishing my work in Words In Motion.

Read more from this wonderful publication —

To you, my reader, I wish you all that you dream of — thank you for being here — Kryssie xoxo.

If you would like to support me further, I love coffee!

