Being Grateful is a Necessary Ingredient to Success

A poem about harnessing success

Dr. Fatima Imam
Words In Motion
Nov 19, 2020


Image: John Hain from Pixabay

Gratitude should be expressed daily.
Gratitude should be experienced publicly.
Gratitude humbles the soul and soothes the spirit.
Gratitude helps in the darkest moments.

Gratitude heals and repairs.
Gratitude smooths and softens.
Gratitude nurtures and purifies.
Gratitude polishes and refines.

Gratitude builds confidence and terrifies enemies.
Gratitude crystalizes ideas and coalesces with ambitions.
Gratitude quietens envy and invigorates positivity.
Gratitude strengthens resolve and defeats pessimism.

© Fatima Imam



Dr. Fatima Imam
Words In Motion

Poet, writer, artist, historian, educator, advocate of underrepresented voices, and cat lover.