How to Make Your Writing Biz a Client Magnet

The tips I’ve used to keep potential clients flooding in

Sharon Hurley Hall
Words In Motion
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2020


By Sharon Hurley Hall

Photo by Neel on Unsplash

Is it possible to start a writing business with no contacts, and still get plenty of writing work? I’m here to tell you it is.

Over the years, I’ve transformed my writing business so that instead of getting small one-off jobs, I get multiple jobs from each of my clients. And, instead of chasing writing gigs, these days they tend to find me. Here’s how that happened.

Laying the Groundwork for Client Referrals

Let me say upfront that I didn’t become a client magnet overnight. But the referrals I get today are a direct reflection of the hard work I have put into providing an excellent service for my clients.

If people are going to recommend you, you have to do good work. And, false modesty aside, I do. My clients say I have a knack for understanding what they want even when they haven’t clearly explained it. I also deliver on time, or even early, and sometimes the work I produce exceeds their expectations.

(That doesn’t mean I always do everything they ask, either. Sometimes I have a different approach to getting the…



Sharon Hurley Hall
Words In Motion

Antiracism activist, author, educator. Co-Founder, Mission Equality. Co-host: Introvert Sisters . She/her.