It’s Time to Stop Trafficking the Earth

Uranus retrograde is calling for a revolution of the resource extraction industry.

Shannon Hugman
Words In Motion


From August 15th through January 10th the planet Uranus will be retrograde in the sign of Taurus. Let’s explore the themes associated with this transit and how it connects to current events, specifically Indigenous land defenders in Canada.

The Planets Are Not Doing Anything to Us

Astrology is not fortune-telling or predicting the future. The zodiac is a map of the sky, and the celestial bodies are forever cycling through it. We can observe these patterns and draw connections between what’s currently unfolding and what has occurred in the past.

Instead of minimizing astrology to newspaper horoscopes and love lives, it’s a tool that can help us to zoom out and observe larger themes at play. It can also be a means of tuning in to better understand how our individual actions and choices play into that bigger picture. By looking at where the planets are now, where they are heading and where they have been; we gain some context.

It’s Like a Weather Forecast

If we know it’s raining, then we can choose to dress accordingly. If we know some of the cosmic cycles at play, then we…



Shannon Hugman
Words In Motion

Astrologer+Author of Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies. My Book: My Newsletter: