The “Lazies is Joy”

Shirley Willett
Words In Motion
Published in
Jun 28, 2024

Creativity is from Angels and Spirit Energy

a doodle in ink
Drawing by author

Another face of joy — if no other emotion -

as guilt, anger or fear — blockades it.

Laziness is joy — without an object — or event from reality -

to spark it.

It is turning off — intellect and body — to leave the soul -

absorbing life.

At random -

does she choose — passing events -

to stir her.

Laziness complete — a tingling energy — pervades to the tips -

of the blood-stream.

When so en-joy-ed -

an unconscious mixing — then cooking — produces -

a “creative idea”.



Shirley Willett
Words In Motion

Book: “Past, Present, Future: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years, Design, Engineering, Education, Manufacturing & Technology”